
Class Policies

Participation & attendance

You need to be in class every day. We primarily depend on in-class discussions for learning and applying concepts and skills.

If you do not intend to finish the course, it is your responsibility to drop the course before the drop deadline.  If you drop after the drop deadline, or if you remain on the roster without attending class/doing work, any work you’ve missed will be counted as a zero and will negatively affect your final grade. This is a face-to-face class; I will not grade work submitted online if you are not in regular attendance.

You may be dropped from the course if you miss more than two consecutive weeks of class.

You may receive a failing grade if you miss more than 8 days of class. 

Late work

I hate dealing with late work so please don't make me do it. If you're having trouble meeting a deadline, you need to let me know ahead of the due date so we can see if we can work out a plan. Communication is really important to me - I can't help you if you don't let me know. 

Most assignments cannot be made up if you have not communicated with me within one week of a due date.

Late assignments may receive either a grade reduction or a zero, at my discretion.


No audio or video recording during class is allowed unless you have a documented accommodation. 


You should have access to and regularly check whatever email is associated with your Blackboard account. 

Please don't send me assignment submissions through email - use Blackboard to submit work.

Extra credit 

I don't do extra credit - see the Spongebob video below that sums up my feelings on it ;) If you are concerned about your grade, ask me for help as soon as possible.  Don't wait until the end of the semester to talk to me!

University Policies

Students with Special Needs

The Americans with Disabilities Act requires reasonable accommodations be made for students with documented special needs, and that all materials needed for a course be made available to all students in that course, whether it is face-to-face or online. If you have any special needs that require accommodations, please let me know as soon as possible.  In order to receive accommodations, you will need to make a formal request by contacting the Center for Accommodations and Support Services (CASS) at or visit CASS.

Academic Dishonesty

All work must be completed by you. All work must be completed this semester.  You may not turn in work you’ve done prior to this class.  You may not turn in work that you’ve also submitted in another class.  You may not turn in work you didn’t do.  

If you violate this policy, you will receive a zero on that assignment.  In addition, you may receive a zero for the course and/or students who are suspected of academic dishonesty will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution for possible disciplinary action. Students may be suspended or expelled from UTEP for such actions. More information can be found in the UTEP Handbook of Operating Procedures, under the heading “Alleged Student Scholastic Dishonesty” and the UT System Regent’s Rules and Regulations.