
Grading and Assignments

  • Attendance - 150 points. Attendance is required. Having more than 3 unexcused absences will negatively impact your grade. I appreciate the courtesy of receiving notification when you will be absent, but notification alone will not make your absence excused. Documentation is required and absences will be excused according to University policy and my discretion. If you do not intend to finish the course, it is your responsibility to drop the course before the drop deadline. If you drop after the drop deadline, or if you remain on the roster without attending class/doing work, you will be graded according to whatever work you’ve completed; any work you’ve missed will be counted as a zero and will negatively affect your final grade.

  • Reading Review – 100 points. You should be prepared for discussions by having completed all readings for that week. You should be prepared to contribute your opinions, questions, and examples to discussions. For each reading that is assigned, you will submit a "Reading Review" (instructions on Blackboard) by before class (11:59am) on Tuesday. There are 12 total Reading Review assignments; you should complete at least 10.

  • Journal – 500 points. One of the central goals of this course is for you to become more self-aware about your own participation in communication and conflict. Your journal assignments are essentially a semester-long project on your personal conflict management development. These assignments will include:

    • an initial evaluation (50 points)

    • an action plan paper (100 points)

    • three conflict worksheets (50 points each)

    • a final self-assessment paper (200 points).

  • Conflict Case Analysis – 150 points. You will choose a conflict (organizational, cultural, political, etc.) and prepare a presentation in which you analyze the conflict and demonstrate your expertise in applying theories and concepts from the course to real-life conflict resolution.

  • Book presentation/report – 100 points. You will choose one of the supplemental books and prepare a brief report for that book. You will meet with classmates who chose the same book and prepare a brief presentation about the book's themes for the rest of the class.