Mediation Role Play

Mediation Role Play Cases

a. Family members: Your father and his sister (your aunt) have asked you to mediate their dispute. Your father thinks that your aunt took an expensive piece of furniture from their father’s house after he passed away without discussing it with him. Your aunt took care of their father in his final days and had a key to his house. Your aunt was also in control of their father’s finances and your father thinks she took all his money during his final days. Now your father is angry at his sister.

b. Two romantic partners, Lacey and Henry, are living in a house with a third person, you. You treat them both equally. Recently, Lacy decided that she wants to watch some TV programs, even though they were on the same time as sports. Meanwhile, Henry wants to watch the sports on the weekend and some weekday nights. The negative atmosphere is so bad in the house that you asked each of them to let you mediate the conflict, and they both agreed to let you do it.

c. Two romantic partners are having a conflict over time management. Darren wants to spend time with his buddies and even invites one or two to join them when they go out together. Kristi doesn’t approve of all of his friends and finds two to be offensive and a bad influence on him. She wants to go out more often as just the two of them. She also wants more time with him without his buddies hanging around.

d. Two roommates: Nicole spends too much money. She likes to buy a lot of clothes. She never has enough for meals or gas, so she is always asking her roommate, Erin, for food or gas money. Nicole wants money to help pay for her books and sometimes doesn’t have enough to help pay their room expenses. Erin is fortunate to have enough money, but thinks it is unfair that her roommate isn’t pulling her share and needs money from her so often. Nicole often doesn’t pay back the money she owes her roommate.

e. Two roommates: Bryon comes home late and rowdy from the local bars on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. Roommate Lee has Friday classes and needs to go to work early every weekend.

f. Two sisters: A borrows B’s clothes without her permission. B occasionally snoops through A’s room and tries to find her diary and other personal items.

g. Married seniors: Adam recently retired and now spends all his time in the house. He doesn’t do any household chores and gets in his wife’s (Angela) way.

h. Two neighbors: Pearson’s (or Sara) dog barks, and when loose makes messes in his neighbor’s yard. Recently, the dog ripped open the garbage container when the neighbor, Matthew (or Dorothy), placed it at the end of the drive for pickup.