With the sponsorship of Little Sandy’s Quilt Shop, we are offering a Block of the Month program, which will also be a modest fundraiser for the guild. Here are the details.
The design has 12 blocks, each 15” finished, set with sashing and borders. The finished top will be 63” x 80”. (This design meets the standards for Quilts of Valor.)
Sandy selected these fabrics to use:
They have a subtle pattern, with touches of gold, which will work well with the block patterns.
We are offering three options:
Option 1: Sign up for the BOM using these fabrics. Sandy will order the fabrics and cut them to the necessary yardages (a total of over 8 yards of fabric!). You will receive the fabric bundle (not pre-cut pieces) plus you will receive one block pattern with cutting and piecing instructions each month for 12 months. The cost will be $100 per kit.
Option 2: Sign up to receive only the 12 monthly block patterns and instructions for $35; purchase your own choice of fabrics from Sandy with a 15% discount. To receive the discount, you must purchase the yardage as indicated and let the staff know it is for the CQG BOM. Fabric requirements are: red, 2-3/8 yd; white, 4 yd; blue, 1-3/4 yd.
Option 3: Sign up to receive only the 12 monthly block patterns and instructions for $35; use whatever fabrics you choose from your stash or elsewhere.
Signups with payment will start at the March meeting and will be taken through the end of March. The kits with the block instructions for the first month will be distributed at the April meeting or sent to those who cannot attend. After that, block instructions will be emailed at the beginning of each month. The final block will be in March of 2026, with quilt tops to be shown at the April 2026 meeting.
If you choose, you can make your quilt top specifically for QOV, or you can make it just for your own enjoyment!
If you cannot be at the March meeting and would like to sign up for the BOM, please print out the following and send it with your payment, no later than March 31st, to
The 2024 Spring Block of the Month was so much fun!
Thanks, Barb!
Thanks Barb for the 2022 BLOCK OF THE MONTH
It was both a learning experence and Fun!
Contact Barbara Edwards 713-249-3007
Each monthly block is 12"
Jessica McAdo
Scotti McCarthy