The Department of Ancient and Modern Civilisations of the University of Messina (Italy) and the Cyrillo-Methodian Research Centre at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, in cooperation with the Palaeobulgarica Foundation and the Young Slavists Collective, organise an international symposium intended for young scholars whose research focuses on Palaeoslavistics.
The current international landscape features a wealth of projects and research dedicated to the analysis of the Medieval Slavonic world, but so far there have been very few opportunities for scholars in training or in the early stages of their academic career to meet and engage on an international level. The symposium was born not only from the idea of giving greater visibility to the most current research within Slavonic medieval studies, but also of creating a space dedicated to the pooling of knowledge, which seems to be all the more necessary within the current geo-political context.
PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and independent researchers will present their research, outlining the main challenges, the goals and the methodologies applied. The contributions, although restricted to the period of the Slavonic Middle Ages, may concern philological-literary, linguistic, palaeographical, diplomatic and codicological, artistic, cultural-historical studies, as well as be characterised by multi- and pluri-disciplinary approaches. Precisely due to the many possible facets of current studies, proposals from researchers who would like to illustrate both national and international research projects related to the topics presented will also be welcome.
The Symposium on Medieval Slavonic Studies will be held from 4 to 6 September in the lecture hall №7 of the Department of Ancient and Modern Civilizations of the University of Messina (Annunziata University Campus, Viale Giovanni Palatucci 13, 98168 Messina).
The Zoom link for online participation can be requested by sending an email to:

Please note that the hours indicated in the following programme refer to the Italian time zone, GMT+2.
Wednesday, September 04
Institutional greetings and opening of the Symposium.
Ksenia Kostomarova (Institute of the Russian Language of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
Quantitative methods in the study of medieval chronicles. The case of the Kievan ChroniclePaola Grasso (Ca' Foscari University of Venice)
Le versioni paleoslave delle Orazioni n°38, n°39 e n°40 di Gregorio di Nazianzo: uno studio del lessico e delle tecniche di traduzione con PythonBeatrice Bindi (D’Annunzio University of Chieti–Pescara)
Philological and translation terminology in the work of Maximus the Greek: dynamics of lexical-semantic contact between humanistic Italy and sixteenth-century Muscovy
Francesca Romoli (University of Pisa)
Il progetto MaximHum (PRIN 2022 PNRR)Letizia Ricci (University of Pisa)
Codifica in digitale dell’opera di Massimo il Greco: modello e casi di studioMarco Biasio (University of Pisa)
Metatestual Functions of Evidential Strategies in the Work of Maximus the GreekNatalia Guseva (D’Annunzio University of Chieti–Pescara)
Le traduzioni delle opere di Massimo il Greco: raccogliere, organizzare e censire
Marta Riparante (Cyrillo–Methodian Research Centre at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
Classifying South Slavonic cyrillic script of the 14th century: description methodologies, problems, and perspectivesMilena Davidović (Institute for Balkan Studies of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts)
The scribe Theoktist and his circle of collaborators: palaeographic analysis of the manuscriptsTatyana Braga (Institute for Bulgarian Language of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
Новые палеографические наблюдения над Одесским дамаскином № 37 (63)Georgii Titov (Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University)
Миниатюра с монашескими подвигами в Следованной Псалтири РНБ. F.I.738: вопросы иконографии и стиляKaterina Kiltzanidou (Democritus University of Thrace, Department of History and Ethnology)
Unveiling the Portrayal of Women from the Serbian Aristocracy in Late Middle Ages and Early Ottoman Era in the Wider Region of Macedonia (13th-16th Century)
Leandro César Santana Neves (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
Aspects of the Kyivan Metropolitans' ecclesiological thought (1039‒1170)Dagmar Vysloužilová (Masaryk University), Evgeny Podvalnov (Bunin Yelets State University)
Orthodoxy and Authority: Ideological Struggles in Medieval Russian Chronicles
Thursday, September 05
Alberto Pontiroli (Sapienza University of Rome, Charles University of Prague)
SS. Constantine-Cyril and Metodius synaxaria in Church SlavonicAnna Fitiskina (Higher School of Economics, Russian Language Institute)
Text criticism at the service of linguistics: the case of the Questions of KirikNicolò Ghigi (Ca' Foscari University of Venice)
Nuove evidenze sulla tradizione slava della Responsio ad fratres minores di Germano II patriarcaAmber Ivanov (Institute for Literature of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
Research project “Reading for laymen in the South Slavic tradition: socio-cultural dynamics of the 14th- to 18th- century repertoire“ : a state-of-the-art and results
Daniel Kossarev (Institute for Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
Contra legem Sarracenorum in Slavonic translation of 15th centuryGalina Sapozhnikova (Institute of the Lithuanian Language)
Рукописная традиция кириллических переводов из польского свода Żywoty Świętych Петра Скарги: церковнославянский vs. Руська моваPreslava Georgieva (Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Department of Cyril and Methodius Studies)
Translator’s and Copyists’ “Mistakes” in the Life of St. Gregory of AgrigentoMaksim Gavrilkov (Independent researcher)
The Functions of Biblical Quotations in Early Church Slavonic Grammars (16th-17th c.)
Nicole Hockmann (Georg August University of Göttingen)
Graphematical variation in Old East Slavic birch-bark texts: the ligature <ѿ>Simeon Dekker (Justus Liebig University Giessen)
Prefixed aorists, perfect tense, and the development of verbal aspect: From Old/Middle Bulgarian to Middle Ukrainian tense usageNatalia Iordani (V.V. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
Gromnik of the 15ᵗʰ century as a source of the Dictionary of the Russian Language: 11–17ᵗʰ cc.Kameliya Hristova (Cyrillo–Methodian Research Centre at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
The Holy Censer in the Slavonic Translation of the OctateuchYavor Ivanov (SS. Cyril and Methodius National Library)
Още веднъж за лексиката на втория славянски превод на Диалозите на свети Григорий Двоеслов
→ Walking tour of Messina city center.
Friday, September 06
William Pidzamecky (University of Nottingham)
Longphuirt, Wintersetlu, and Gorodišče: A Study of Viking Age Scandinavian Sites in Ireland, England, Russia, and Ukraine from the Eighth to the Tenth CenturiesTeresa Lombardi (University of Pisa)
Le relazioni culturali fra la Moscovia e gli Stati italiani a cavallo tra Quattrocento e Cinquecento: prospettive di ricerca e metodologieLuca Cortesi (University of Pavia)
I “Discorsi sui giorni” di Ivan Chvorostinin (XVII sec.): contesto e prospettive di ricerca
Conclusion of the Symposium by Marco Scarpa, Veselka Zhelyazkova, Maria Teresa Badolati, Iris Karafillidis, Marta Riparante.
→ Visit to the Regional Interdisciplinary Museum of Messina.
Organising Committee
Maria Teresa Badolati, Iris Karafillidis, Marta Riparante, Marco Scarpa, Veselka Zhelyazkova