Terms of Service

Client Agreements

It is expected as a client that you review these terms, and by commissioning me you are agreeing to these terms of service and held liable for any breach thereof. 

Every term listed in this Terms of Service may be subject to change or adjustment. All clients are required to check for these changes. I cannot be held liable for sudden changes without notice. 

Any statement made here is for general application and may be subject to change for practical application or for new or adjusted terms discussed with myself, the artist, prior to commission. 

Any breach of these terms will result in immediate blacklisting, public warning posts on social media and this website, commission cancellation without refund, and loss of rights to any copyrighted works created by myself, the artist. 

I may choose to decline or cancel a commission at any time. 

Harassment, blackmail, or guilt-tripping of any form is not tolerated. Period. 

Please see refunds for more information on how they work. 

I am no way required to inform any of my clients of the reason for cancellation, and am in my own discretion to do so if I see fit. 

I will not accept commissions from anyone who meets these requirements 

      1.  LGBTQIA+ people;
      2. People of colour;
      3. Freedom of religion or religious practices; 
      4. Disabled people or those that identify thereof;
      5. Neurodiverse people or those that identify thereof; or
      6. any other group that may be discriminated against. 
        • Grooming minors;
        • Sexually harassing minors;
        • Sexually abusing minors; 
        • The creation of any artistry or film consisting of any form of sexual relations between a legally identifiable adult and a legally identifiable minor; or 
        • any other act or statement considered pedophilic in nature or similar thereof;
        • Act of bestiality or any similar act thereof involving any form of sexual relations between a human and an animal;
        • Creation of any artistry or film consisting of sexual relations between an identifiable human (homo sapien) or similarly intelligent species where categorization of zoophilia or bestiality would still generally apply; or
        • any other act or statement considered zoophilic in nature or similar thereof;


Animal - An organism without human attributes or civilized influences.Minor - A person under the age of full legal responsibility - under 18 years of age. Neurodiversity - individual differences in brain functionality

Commission Requests

When making a commission request, please describe what you would like in as clear and nice manner. 

I am doing you a service but I will not accept commissions from someone who is rude or pushy. 

As I am neurodivergent, it is easiest for me to understand what you would like if it is written in bullet points or in a short, easy-to-understand description. Please be as specific or descriptive as possible and specify if you would like me to take artistic liberties. 

When providing character references (if applicable) please ensure they are clear and neat, otherwise, I will have trouble drawing them. Refrain from sending me blurry or messy references. 

If are commissioning a design or custom, please be as specific as possible with what you want or provide me with a mood board, series of images, or a collage as reference. 

At any point, I may request legitimate proof of character or design ownership. 

If you cannot provide such evidence, your commission will be immediately cancelled and you will be blacklisted for theft and breach of terms. 

This does not apply to commissions intended as gifts, but I may ask for you to identify the owner of the character you are having me create artwork of.  

Client Cancellation

You may request to cancel the commission at any time prior to me starting the commission or moving on from the sketch, unless the commission is for any piece of artwork that constitutes a legitimate exception to this. (i.e. a sketch commission cannot be cancelled if started.)

Customs or designs can be cancelled at any time, but you will lose all rights to it and its use. 

As outlined in the Refund Policy, you will only receive a full refund if I have not yet started the commission. 

I will contact you directly for further discussion, information, or with questions or concerns. 

When to contact me

If it seems like I have forgotten or neglected to respond to you, please shoot me a reminder message or email and I will get back to you as soon as I can. 

Do not spam, harass, or pressure me into responding. 

Timeline, Progress, and Completion

Accepted commissions will be on hold until payment is completely received. I will not start a commission without full payment. 

Commissions are completed by order of payment received, although liable to fluctuations due to complexity and how often I work on it. 

I will provide the sketch for review before continuing. 

You may choose for me to provide regular process updates and/or photos. 

Process updates are always provided when there are major delays in completion. 

Finished commissions are provided in jpeg format and can include images of each major point if requested. Major points are the finished sketch, finished lineart, finished flat-colour, finished background, etc. 

You may only request major pose or composition changes during the sketch phase. 

Minor or colour or marking changes do not apply. 

You may request additions to a commission at any point. 

Major additions are subject to extra charge. 

This does not include major pose or composition changes. 

These may include but are not limited to; adding clothing items, a change in colour pallet, adjusting character design, adding or removing markings, changing hairstyle, adding a physical feature (i.e. an eye, spikes), etc.

Breach of Policy

Breach of these terms of service or the policy contained therein will be considered a  voluntary surrender of all rights to artwork, designs, or characters you have received from myself, the artist, at any time past or present. 

Breach of these terms of service or policy contained therein may result in legal action taken by myself, the artist. 

All breaches of policy result in blacklisting and public warning posts on all social media platforms, including this website. 

No refund is ever rewarded to any client, person, or business that infringes upon this policy. 

All copyrighted artwork surrendered to myself through breach of policy is subject to be sold to any new buyer or to be used for any purpose that I, the artist, see fit.