Privacy Policy

Personal Information and Confidentiality

I will not share, distribute, sell, or use any personal information shared with myself, the artist, or any purpose other than what is necessary to complete a commission or payment.

Any and all personal information disclosed with me is considered strictly confidential and will never be used by any party other than myself, the client, and any platform or business required to complete a sale (i.e. PayPal - a payment platform).

Use of Personal Information

Personal information shared with me is and will only be used for the following disclosed reasons:

  • Sending products through the mail

  • Contacting the client

  • Processing and completing payment

Personal Information Disclosure

Personal information shared with me may include but is not limited to;

  • Legal name

  • Legal age

  • Current address

  • Personal contact information

  • Payment card or banking information

That may be disclosed to me directly by the client themselves or indirectly through transaction receipt or history.