An exhibition - Students' reviews

On February 6th and 7th, the two classes involved in the project visited the exhibition "Dalì - The Dream of Classic", Pisa, Palazzo Blu.

They have been provided with a brief introduction to the exhibition in class.

During the visit they had a more in-depth explanation by a museum guide.

After the visit they were asked to write their own review.


The exhibition consists in three main sections

The first includes some oils on canvas, dating mostly from the Eighties, in the period when Dalì lost his wife and muse Gala and found a sort of help in the study of the classics.

In this section, the model of the classical art of the Renaissance, e.g. Michelangelo, Raffaello, is seen through the Surrealist eyes of Dalì.

A second section shows many watercolored woodcuts for an edition of Dante's Divina Commedia: the first commissioner, the Italian Istituto Poligrafico della Zecca, found them too far from Dante to approve them, and they appeared in a later French edition.

The final section displays watercolored woodcuts of the Life by Benvenuto Cellini, a main Renaissance sculptor from Tuscany.


Writing a review

Write your review of the exhibition: give basic information but add your personal opinion.

Here you can find some examples:

from Toscana inside, from SACI art blog

Some examples of students' reviews

Salvador Dalì’s exhibition
Dalì's exhibition in Pisa
Dalì - The dream of the Classic
Dalì's exhibition in my opinion