Survive in the Wild

Wild fire

First of all, we need to know that fires usually spread uphill much faster than downhill, especially fast on the steep slope. Wind direction also decides where the fires go.

Be aware when you see big amount of smoke. Stay calm but continue your route in a faster pace if the smoke is not in front of you. Reserve a certain amount of drinking water. When wildfire is confirmed. Pick up a piece of grass and check the wind direction which is mostly the fire spreading direction. Choose opposite direction of the fire to go. Downhill, easier and less vegetation are better routes to escape. In the more emergency case, wet your clothing with your reserved drinking water.

Lightning Storm

Be aware when you hear thunder or detect an imminent storm. If the destination is not far away and before bad weather develops, go complete the route as fast as you can and take transport home. When bad weather develops quickly in the middle of your route, you have to find a significant and closed shelter. Avoid touching metal objects, electrical equipment, water, windows and iron fences, etc. Do not hide under tall trees. Make sure no metal object on your body say necklace, ear ring, belt and watch.

What to do when you are caught outdoors in a storm and no indoor shelters nearby? Find a valley, or dry and low area, otherwise, find a group of small trees surrounded by taller trees. Crouch down with your heels touching, head between the knees, and ears covered. Minimize your contact with the ground and do not lie down flat.

Flash Flood

Some rules are always correct about the water flow! Move to higher ground at once. When you are in a valley, move away from rivers and streams. Remember don’t risk your life to protect your possessions when you are in urgent situation. Just leave behind them. If you fall into flood water, fight your hardest to grip some branches or rocks to get ashore.