The Wiccan Rede

In order to function as a spiritual group and family, it is essential to have a Code of Ethics which people can agree upon and follow. As Wicca is an ethical religion, we must be able to reflect such an ethical belief system and life.

The Wiccan Rede

"An it harm none, do what you will" is the most basic code that most Wiccans try to follow. Members of the Circle of the Mountain Fire are no exception to this "rule". As such, we understand that we are liberated from many constraints (love only members of the opposite sex, believe that only people with your beliefs will not go to Hell, he who has the gold makes the rules). At the same time, we are gifted with a great deal of responsibility. We are responsible for trying to avoid causing any unnecessary harm! At the same time, if we see something wrong and we do not try to stop it somehow, then we are still causing harm through our inaction.

It is true that not all Wiccans and Witches follow the Rede. That is their choice. For us, it is an idea to strive for on a daily basis. It is up to each and everyone of us, as individuals, to determine what "harm" is. The safest bet, however, is the implication that the Rede dictates our lives to do good for ourselves and for others. Ultimately, the Rede is a doctrine of individual responsibility and allows no room for "the devil made me do it".