Countdown Spell

Countdown Spell

Do you have a goal that seems difficult to reach? Would you like to change yourself or improve your life in some way? Whatever your personal goal may be, if it's reasonable and feasible, this simple but powerfully effective spell can help you to achieve it.

Casting a spell is not enough to reach most goals, of course. You must also make practical efforts, such as working out, saving money, attending classes, or whatever your goal requires.

For this spell you will need:

paper a writing implement (Use a freshly sharpened pencil if you wish to erase your goal to keep it confidential.) a stick of incense

Optional: If you happen to own a sapphire, garnet, or turquoise ring, wear it on your projective hand while you cast the spell or work it afterward.


Clearly and specifically identify your goal. This is a crucial part of the spell, so give it careful consideration. Meditation helps with this.

Next, consider paths to your goal, and formulate at least one action plan. Set a realistic time period for reaching the goal. This might be one month, one year, five years, or another length of time, depending on the nature of your goal.

The Spell

Once your goal is clear in your mind, get into a magickal mood. Gather the spell materials, and place them on the altar or other working surface. Raise power, and create sacred space around your working area. Light the incense.

Concentrate on your goal, and visualize it as already achieved. For example, if your goal is to finish school, you could envision yourself waving your diploma in the air at the graduation ceremony; if your goal is to buy a house, you could see its key in your hand as you unlock the door on moving day. Once your visualization is complete, take a mental snapshot of it, and keep your focus on that as you proceed.

Hold the writing implement in the incense smoke, and concentrate on charging its ink or lead with magick. Do this until the incense burns itself out, then ground power and clean up. Leave the writing implement in moonlight overnight, perhaps on a windowsill.

The next day, use the pen or pencil to write your goal at the top of the paper. If you are using a pencil because your goal is confidential, write it down and then erase it. No one will be able to read your goal, but the paper will still be imprinted with it.

Count the days that you have allotted for reaching your goal, and write this number beneath it. If your time frame for the spell is lengthy, you may need to tape several sheets of paper together. Hang the paper in a place where you will see it every day, such as on a closet door.

Begin the countdown. Each morning, from then until the goal is achieved, use the charged writing implement to cross off the number at the top of the page and write the next lower number beneath it. For example, if you have allowed one year to reach your goal, you will be writing 365, 364, 363, 362, and so on, as the days pass. Say this affirmation (or an affirmation of your own devising) aloud each morning when you cross off a number and write a new one:

I am strong. I am determined. Nothing will distract me, divert me, or prevent me from reaching my goal.


Continue the countdown. Take at least one small step toward your goal every day, and you are likely to achieve it before the countdown is finished.