Well Being Spell

Well Being Spell

When you have been sick, but are beginning to feel better, this is a good spell to cast. It is energizing and will leave you feeling healthier than when you began. For periodic maintenance, you may want to use the spell twice a year.

Things you will need: 1 white or pink image candle powdered rose petals push-pin thumbtack

Star Oil (see below)

Carve your name, or that of the person for whom you are casting the spell, onto the candle. Anoint the candle with the oil and sprinkle with powdered rose petals. Raise energy and focus on general well being as you charge the candle. Burn under the waxing moon, chanting:

Earth, Air, Fire, Water

Peace, Health, Joy, Laughter.

Peak the energy and let it fly out to the universe. Let the candle burn completely. (If you use runes you may also carve Sigel, Flame, and Caduceus in the wax before anointing the candle with oil.)

How to make Star Oil

1/4 ounce almond oil

10 drops lemon oil

7 drops jasmine oil

7 drops rosemary oil

17 drops chamomile oil

5 drops sandalwood oil