Items : 1 green candle - 1 black candle - Small jar - Nutmeg - Good luck oil - Banishing oil - Rune for good fortune - Stone - A piece of paper with your perfect job described on


Time : Waxing Moon

Ritual : Cast the Circle, Invoke the Gods, and anoint the black candle with banishing oil and light it while you visualize all your obstacles falling away, and say :

"Bad luck flees, obstacles fall,

My path is clear, Heed my call"

Anoint the green candle with lucky oil and say :

"Good luck is mine and prosperity

Help me Great Ones, come to me

Opportunity and rewards I see As I will, So mote it be"

Meditate on the job you want as you gaze into the candle's flame. Still in the circle, fill your good luck jar with the herbs, stone, note and rune figure. Seal the jar with this words

"Earth-born stone of brilliant hue hearken to my deep desire

amidst the candle's radiant fire

Herbs of luck, prosperity heed my call and bring to me

a better job, new opportunity As I will, so mote it be !"

Shake the jar, seal it with a kiss and place it back on the Altar. Ground and center, thank the God and Goddess and close the Circle.

Each morning after, hold the jar while saying :

"God and Goddess Hear as I pray

Let good fortune come my way send me luck, prosperity in my job search, So mote it be !"

Shake the jar a few times, seal it with a kiss and replace it on the Altar.