Welcome to The Circle of the Mountain Fire:

A Correllian Proto-Temple in Colorado Springs 

The Circle of the Mountain Fire offers real-time, in-person and Zoom for ritual space and teaching! Drop us a line at circleofthemountainfire@gmail.com

The Circle of the Mountain Fire is an eclectic Wivvan coven that draws from various spiritual and magical practices, including Correllian Wicca, Celtic paganism, Italian witchcraft, and the teachings of Laurie Cabot and Sybil Leek. The tradition places a strong emphasis on the worship of the Goddess and the God, as well as the practice of magic and ritual.

Some key beliefs and practices of the Circle of the Mountain Fire include:

The Circle of the Mountain Fire also places a strong emphasis on personal responsibility, ethics, and the development of psychic and magical abilities.

This bears repeating!

The Circle of the Mountain Fire is inclusive of ALL positive

spiritual beliefs and practices!

Right now, there are not enough Wiccan covens in the Denver metropolitan area. It is time to change that! The Circle of the Mountain Fire will be an eclectic coven that will offer various classes (degree classes and non-degree classes), and work as a spiritual and working family for members. We will also be open to Celtic, Native American, Christopagan, Jewitch, and other positive spitirualities. That's how our coven should--and will--be.

The Circle of the Mountain Fire is listed at http://www.correllian.com/ as a Witan Proto-Temple; it is recognized by the Correllian Tradition as an official group. 

The seal for The Circle of the Mountain Fire was designed to reflect the outdoor aspect of the region. On the west side of Colorado Springs are the Rocky Mountains and, to the east, are plains and prairies. Above the mountain in the seal is a flame to represent the flame of Spirit and the pentagram is a symbol of our connection as Wiccans and as Pagans to the Old Ones.


Finding a coven can be difficult. Here is a link for finding other covens in all parts of the United States!

We are a Proto-Temple of the Correllian Nativist Tradition operating under the authority of the Correllian Nativist Tradition of Wicca and the Correllian Nativist Church. We serve the Denver metropolitan region Wiccan Community. 

Blessed Be!

Rev. William Halstead

Third Degree Priest

Correllian Nativist Tradition of Wicca


© 2021 by the Rev. William Halstead and the Circle of the Mountain Fire

For your infotainment, please feel free to check out Pagan Library!