May - June

"L'histoire se répète." People you can count on. One of those is sure Carl Schockaert from Astotex.  Carl (and Walda) are always just one call away from helping us out.

We are continuing the work for Mayerline, CKS, muce and Torfs.

We finished the work for the Hanswijk Processie, KVS (Hannibal), Fabotastix and Zanzibar/National Lotterij

We installed a photo studio together with Wout De Ridder who supported the MU students

And after 5 intensive months, Mode Ursulinen is moving back to their new building. But, the collaboration will remain. This has been more than a success.

created by Svitlana Chunikhina

Svitlana Chunikhina :: Behance 


We dedicate this month to all the  interns who dedicated some of their time to Cilab.  They have been been crucial in co-creating who we are today and it is a story on its own.

This month Yusra and Pylyp supported Cilab:

First, they dedicated their time helping us on the collection for the Hanswijk basiliek. Besides, they have been putting the Love Tomorrow prototypes in motion. And finally, they did together a co-work and redesigned the Daily Paper cargo pants into a new design (see photo's)

We had to stop our repair operation in Antwerpen. It was a decision from the team from Kringwinkel Antwerpen, responsible for the Circuit location.


"Crazy times call for crazy people", the atelier has become a unique place, the mix with the students no only supports a creative synergy but also fosters respect for each otherL.

Finished the book-project with the UCLL. This would not have been possible without the support of Bulo and Post NL.

Abaseen supported the FTI Fashion Show, also modelling three CILAB showcases

Special attention for the interns

Gavin focused on the new dress for the Virgin Mary

Emma completed a full (6) set of refurbished seats using left-over materials and ties

Josse (picture) worked on the 'Geknipt om te winnen' bags for Zanzibar 

Start of RE-LABS, the Belgian Builts Back Circular project.

Ziellab was visited by the EIT Climate KIC


Passing another milestone at Decathlon, 3000 repair lines

Had the Fabotastix youngsters designing their new outfits which we will produce next month

Kevin, Josse and Emma joining the team, and support from the fabolous Blessing

Zanzibar prototypes delivered

Sequel from the Hanswijk Basiliek

Butterfly project

Continue to work on RegioGreen pilots like the remanufacturing of Igean workwear

Ziellab reshaped (achieving above expectations) and installed launch and cinema room


The return of Mode Ursulinen. 

It was and is probably a 'blessing' from heaven. Water flooding forced the students to look for a temporary solution which was found in the former studios of the Impact Factory.
Cilab and MU are now a real collective at least until June. It brings in a creative atmosphere and attracts new collaborative  projects.

The start of the eco-design project (BBBC call) together with RE-Antwerp/Gatam, Joseffa, Decathlon, Ecoso and Purfi/Concordia.

Back to the festival fields with Zanzibar. Prototypes approved.

Remanufacturing workwear with Ecoso and Igean.

Ziellab workshops with OKAN students from Antwerp and  KOBOS (fashion from Kapelle o/d Bos)

Josse from KOBOS joined the collective for an internship