
CiLAB had a remarkable 2022. 

We would like to take the opportunity to thank all those who worked with us, supported us, all believers that we can make a change, for a better world.

Photo: Work-in-progress Lagadoue

November - October

Cil(A)b becomes operational at Circuit Antwerp.

Prototypes for Osaka (Studio Circulaire)

Decathlon goes public on repair services for textiles

Repair day at Circuit Antwerp South

Support JBC installing repair unit at Antwerp Meir

Start of styling Madonna Hanswijk with the Ursulinen Mode

Upcycled Decathlon collection from the Ursulinen Mode

Support Patagonia and AS Adventure on 'The Monster in our Closet'

Support 'Under Pressure' at Tienen (Huis van de Mens)

Workshop at MFair with Lucie Kaisala and Transit Global

Concept for DRW Cycles

A week with Silke van Ham, an upcycled coat collection for refugees (Welcome in Mechelen)

Undo continues ...


Upcycled prototypes for Bellerose (Studio Circulaire)

Collaboration with Ida & Volta

Freshly Upcycled Collection Studio Circulair available in Essentiel Shop Antwerp(photo)

The Undo Collection

Colab with Mode Ursulinen and the Hanswijk Parochie

Repair and Swapping day with Woody (video)

Supporting JBC for the new JBC Antwerp Store

Start of Circular Textile Lab, collaborative project with Creamoda, IVOC, Decathlon and Studio Circulaire supported by Agenstaschap Innoveren en Ondernemen

Inspiring the HO Gent students (Bachelor Modetechnologie)

Presentation of the multi-mix-mat Muizen

... preparing for CiLAB !!!

July - August

Our focus has been on the production of the upcycled collection for Essentiel and Studio Circulaire together with setting up the repair services for Decathlon Belgium.

On July 21st CiLAB was selected to attend the National Parade  by Be Heroes as one of the 50 heroes.


CiLAB installed an on-site dedicated unit for re-pairing, re-manufacturing and re-purposing clothing. This has been the result of an intensive test done earlier 2022 validating capabilities and process efficiency. Over the next six month further review will be done to define the exact infrastructure to cope with the expected volumes. In parallel we will explore further solutions together with Decathlon.


Over the last two years our lab received more than thousand visitors we introduced into the magic world of upcycling. Sometimes in listening mode, but also in a more active mode.

(visit of PXL Hasselt, in 25.05.2022)

Snapshot from the OVAM team pitching the results on how they upcycled left-overs from their own wardrobes.

(teambuilding OVAM at CiLAB on 10.05.2022)

Abaseen Stanikzai

One of the initiatives Abaseen as been doing was supporting the young students from the TSM CLW. The students worked on a mood board and a rough prototype a a first upcycled piece. Abaseen supported the pitching and enhanced and transformed some of the prototypes.

Abaseen comes from Afganistan. Besides his wonderful attitude, we experienced his 'savoir faire' which he brought from his native country.

Sam Wybouw

Sam is more than a Recident, he is part of the collective now. It is a joy to have Sam in our studio where he continues to work on a challenging mission to transform polyester straps into a piece of furniture.

Sam has also been essential in supporting our work for Studio Circulaire.

April - May

We have a focus on taking care some challenges outside the operational activities. Some details on our Linked In page.

The activities of the lab only increased over the last two months. A brief update below.

The things we can talk about:

Prototypes for Studio Circulaire approved.

Set up of repair activities with Decathlon.

Colab with Midge "Mantissa" Sinnaeve ", collection of unique t-shirts

Rework for HNST

Repair for Ivarem/Ecoso

On-site refurbishing for Woody

Teambuilding workshop with OVAM

Production of canvas for Bardok in collaboration with Concordia Textiles

Two marvelous Recidents, Abaseen (Mode Ursulinen) and Sam (Thomas More)

Supporting TSM CLW on their journey through fashion program

Supporting the Fashion Revolution Week in Hasselt

and the things we cannot talk about: ... (not for now)


Collaboration started with Studio Circulaire

Curtains for the Impact Factory

Woody Repair and colab with Transit

First repair for HNST.

IVOC and Ursulinen circular workshops

All supported by Sam Wybouw, our Rema(r)keable Re-ci-dent

and many other fun things.

Re-opening JBC Schoten store - CiLAB inside

Ozer Concept Fashion Show at Feb 24


Repair Alert!
JBC, Decathlon, Woody, Ivarem

Decoration for JBC Schoten

Joseffa new collection integrating Product Passports

Press: Nilorn B&D (page 56)


Collaboration with K!Dans and Concordia Textiles

SIMP II collection for JBC

First samples made for Ozer - Concept (Brussels)

Repairs for Workwear from Indaver

Sashiko workshop at Mode Ursulinen

We welcome Sam Wybouw (VOMO) as new ReCIdent

The SIMP project was quite a success. That is why JBC decided to process the second part of the batch of sweaters. We learned from the past and did some smaller adaptions for SIMP II.

Hanna Kaniushenka, who joined CiLAB end of 2021, taped this small video.