Science on Stage patrocina esta actividade desenvolta por alumnado de 2º, 3º, 4º de ESO e 1º e 2º de Bacharelato no noso centro.

Code Week EU


Happening at: Calle Hospital, A Coruña, España

From Tuesday 9th of October 2018 at 00:00 to Friday 26th of October 2018 at 00:00


Our school have been organizing activities for The Hour of Code the last 5 years with great success among our students. After coding the students share their work among the others. This is our first year with our Science club and we want to do some coding too.

Contribuímos con Scratch para Ode to Code EU (animación có himno da comunidade europea e fondos da nosa cidade), e reloxos que marcan horas europeas.

Creamos escenas interactivas con Phyton, Java e Html. Deseñamos xogos programando por bloques. Practicamos cós mbot