List of Research Publications as of 1 February 2025
Papers and Book chapter
Iguchi, C., Giroud, A., Zhao, S., and Zhang, S., (2025), International Business and Sustainable Development in Asia: Reflections and Prospects, Asian Business and Management (Forthcoming).
Hayashi, T., Hoshino, H., Iguchi, C., Arai, M. (2023). Social Business Strategies to Alleviate Poverty in Emerging Countries Aiming at New Development Strategic Management Theories: Focusing on the Business Model of Grameen-Euglena in Bangladesh. In: Hayashi, T., Hoshino, H., Hori, Y. (eds) Base of the Pyramid and Business Process Outsourcing Strategies (pp.21-42). Springer, Singapore.
Giroud, A., Ha, Y. J., Marukawa, K., & Iguchi, C. (2021). Drivers of Subsidiary Competences: The Case of Japan. Management International-Mi, 25(spécial), 58-75.
Zhao, S., Papanastassiou, M., Pearce, R. D., & Iguchi, C. (2021). MNE R&D Internationalization in Developing Asia. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 38(3), 789–813. doi:10.1007/s10490-020-09705-1
井口知栄, 坂本義和, 臼井哲也. (2020). MHI Vestas Offshore Wind A/S インタビュー調査. 三田商学研究, 63(3), 45-54.
Iguchi, C. and ASEAN Japan Centre(2020). Non-Equity Modes of Trade in ASEAN: Paper 9: Thailand. Tokyo: ASEAN Japan Centre.
Staples, A., & Iguchi, C. (2019). Regionalism and Production Networks in Asia. In M. A. Witt & H. Hasegawa (Eds.), Asian Business and Management: Theory, Practice and Perspectives (3 ed., pp. 115-130). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Horn, S. A., Wittek, B. H., & Iguchi, C. (2018). Japanese Foreign Direct Investment in Thailand: Promoting an 'Interactive' Institutional Approach. In M. M. McCarthy (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Japanese Foreign Policy (pp. 281-305). London: Routledge.
Iguchi, C. (2018). Factors Affecting the Competitiveness of Emerging MNEs: The Case of Firms in Thailand. 明治大学経営論集 - 坂本恒夫教授退職記念号, 65(1), 59-82.
井口知栄. (2018). 企業成長と国際化. In 秋野晶二, 關智一, 坂本義和, 山中伸彦, 井口知栄, & 荒井将志 (Eds.), グローバル化とイノベーションの経営学 開かれた市場と企業組織による調整 (pp. 41-58): 税務経理協会.
Iguchi, C. and ASEAN Japan Centre(2018). Non-Equity Modes of Trade in ASEAN: Paper 7:The Philippines. Tokyo: ASEAN Japan Centre.
Iguchi, C., Hayashi, T., & Nakayama, A. (2017). The Effects of Inter-Organizational Collaborative R&D on MNEs' Innovation Systems. In T. Sakamoto & S. Shoda (Eds.), Global, Innovative and Environmental Management (pp. 64-81). Tokyo: Maruzen Planet.
Sekiguchi, T., Froese, F. J., & Iguchi, C. (2016). International Human Resource Management of Japanese Multinational Corporations: Challenges and Future Directions. Asian Business and Management, 15(5), 1-27.
井口知栄. (2016). グローバル化と多国籍企業. In 関口倫紀, 竹内規彦, & 井口知栄 (Eds.), 国際人的資源管理 (pp. 26-44): 中央経済社.
Iguchi, C. (2015). Inter-organizational Linkages, Global Value Chains and National Innovation Systems: Disconnected Realities in the Philippines. In B. Lambregts, N. Beerepoot, & R. C. Kloosterman (Eds.), The Local Impact of Globalization in South and Southeast Asia: Offshore Business Processes in Services Industries (Vol. 57, pp. 60-76): Routledge.
井口知栄. (2015). 日系多国籍企業のグローバルR&D:在ヨーロッパ多国籍企業子会社のR&D拠点の役割を中心に. 三田商学研究 渡部直樹教授退官記念号, 第58巻(第2号), 141-153.
Iguchi, C. (2014). Roles of MNE Subsidiaries in a Host Country: Integrating the Global Value Chain Analysis into the National Innovation Systems. 『立命館経営学』伊藤富雄教授退官記念号, 第52巻(第4・5号), 55-72.
Iguchi, C., Hayashi, T., & Nakayama, A. (2014). Global Innovation and R&D for Knowledge Creation: The Case of P&G, Unilever and Kao. In C. Alvstam, H. Dolles, & P. Ström (Eds.), Asian Inward and Outward FDI: New Challenges in the Global Economy (pp. 65-86). Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Iguchi, C., Hayashi, T., & Nakayama, A. (2014). The Innovation System of Culture-Specific MNEs: The Effects of Diversified and Geographically Dispersed Knowledge Sourcing Mechanism. Keio Business Review(48), 23-59.
井口知栄. (2014). 「ナショナル・イノベーション・システムとグローバル・バリュー・チェーンへの多国籍企業子会社の役割:在フィリピン日系多国籍企業の事例を中心にして」. 『三田商学研究』今口忠政教授退官記念号, 第56巻(第6号), 33-46.
Iguchi, C. (2013). Organisational Linkages and Technological Development: Local Firms' Innovation Mechanisms in Malaysia. 『中央大学商学論纂』高橋由明教授退官記念号, 53(5), 133-163.
林倬史, 井口知栄, & 荒井将志. (2013). 「BOP層の経済的自立化と自律的ビジネス生態系-フィリピンCARDのマイクロファイナンスとサリサリストアの事例分析を中心として‐」. 『経営論叢』, 第3巻(第1号), 25-54.
Iguchi, C. (2012). Globalisation of R&D by TNC subsidiaries: The Case of South-East Asian Countries. Asian Business & Management, 11(1), 79-100.
林倬史, & 井口知栄. (2012). 戦略的知識創造の国際的メカニズムとダイナミック・ケイパビリティ. In 林倬史 & 古井仁 (Eds.), 多国籍企業とグローバルビジネス (pp. 133-156). Tokyo: 税務経理協会.
Arita, T., Iguchi, C., & McCann, P. (2010). Foreign Direct Investment, Knowledge Assets and the Economic Geography of Growth in the Asian BRIICS Countries. In R. Stimson, R. R. Stough, & P. Nijkamp (Eds.), Endogenous Regional Development: Perspectives, Measurement and Empirical Investigation (pp. 160-181). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Iguchi, C., & Hayashi, T. (2010). Global Collaborative R&D for MNEs' Innovation Systems: The Case of Culture Specific Industry. International Journal of Business Strategy, 10(4), 14-32.
Iguchi, C. (2010). Globalisation of R&D Activities by TNC: Evidence from Subsidiaries in South East Asian Countries. International Business Strategy, 10(2), 56-66.
Iguchi, C., & Hayashi, T. (2009). Knowledge Creation and Global Collaborative R&D Systems - Comparative Analysis of Kao Corp., P&G., and Unilever. International Journal of Global Business and Competitiveness, 4(1), 1-17.
井口知栄. (2009). 現代企業のグローバル戦略. In 田中 & 小久保 (Eds.), マネジメント論 (pp. 129-144): ナカニシヤ出版.
Iguchi, C. (2008). Determinants of Backward Linkages: The Case of TNC Subsidiaries in Malaysia. Asian Business and Management, 7(1), 53-73.
Iguchi, C. (2008). Global Business Strategy of Subsidiaries: The Case of Malaysia. 立命館経営学, 47(1), 21-42.
Iguchi, C. (2007). Effects of transnational corporation subsidiaries on the development path of local Malaysian suppliers. University of Reading.
Iguchi, C. (2007). Subsidiary Autonomy and Existence of Backward Linkages: The Case of TNC Subsidiaries in Malaysia. 立命館ビジネスジャーナル, 1, 91-110.
Iguchi, C. (2006). Subsidiary Evolution and the Emergence of Competence Creating Subsidiaries in Host Developing Countries. The Ritsumeikan Business Review, 45(1), 43-84.
Iguchi, C. (2006). Technological Development through Backward Linkages: Regional and Institutional Analysis. 立命館経営学, 45(2), 84-124.
井口知栄. (2006). Subsidiary Evolution and the Emergence of Competence Creating Subsidiaries in Host Developing Countries. 立命館経営学, 45(1), 43-84.
Cantwell, J., A., & Iguchi, C. (2005). Multinationals and their relationships with local suppliers: Effects on local suppliers' development path in the Malaysian electrical and electronics industry. In A. Giroud, A. Mohr, & D. Yang (Eds.), Multinational and Asia: Organisational and Institutional Relationships (pp. 54-71): Routledge.
Conference papers
Ogasavara, M. H. and Iguchi, C. (2023). Determinants of Location Choice in Latin American Global Cities: National, Subnational, and Industry Factors. presented at the 13th Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business - Latin America and the Caribbean Chapter (AIB-LAC).
Gigoud, A., Iguchi, C., Ishido, H., Korwatanasukal, U., Meyer-Ohle, H. and Staples, A. (2022). Multinationals' Investment in South East Asia: How Impact Has Changed Over Time, presented at panel session at the 38th Euro-Asia Management Studies Association (EAMSA) Annual Conference.
Iguchi, C. (2021). Global Value Chains. presented at European International Business Academy (EIBA) panel session at Japan Association of International Business Studies (JAIBS) the 28th Annual Conference.
井口知栄. (2021). 多国籍企業によるGVCの進展と変遷:拡大する非出資型(NEM)国際生産の可能性. 国際ビジネス研究学会第28回全国大会統一論題, 専修大学(オンライン開催).
Giroud, A., Ha, Y.-J., Marukawa, K., & Iguchi, C. (2020). Subsidiary Competences: Why autonomy matters as well as networks in Japan Paper presented at the 10th Annual Conference of the Atlas-AFMI, IAE Poitiers, France. The best conference paper awarded.
Giroud, A., Ha, Y.-J., Iguchi, C., & Marukawa, K. (2019). Drivers of Key Competences within Foreign Subsidiaries: The case of MNEs in Japan. . Paper presented at the 45th European Academy of International Business (EIBA) Annual Conference, Leeds, UK.
Zhao, S., Papanastassiou, M., & Iguchi, C. (2019). MNE R&D Internationalization In Developing Asia. Paper presented at the 45th European Academy of International Business (EIBA) Annual Conference, Leeds, UK.
Giroud, A., Ha, Y-J., Iguchi, C., & Marukawa, K. (2019). Drivers of Key Competences within Foreign Subsidiaries: The case of MNEs in Japan. Paper presented at the 36th Euro-Asia Management Studies Association (EAMSA) Annual Conference, Dornbirn, Austria.
Zhao, S., Papanastassiou, M., & Iguchi, C. (2019). MNE R&D Internationalization In Developing Asia. Paper presented at the 36th Euro-Asia Management Studies Association (EAMSA) Annual Conference, Dornbirn, Austria. Palgrave McMillan Best Paper awarded.
Berg, D. M., Hagen, J. M., Tiziano, B., & Iguchi, C. (2019). Keeping ourselves anchored in an unsettling political and economic environment: Strengthening the interface between international business education and practice. Panel session presented at the Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Iguchi, C., Edman, J., Ha, Y.-J., Lehmberg, D. G., Nakamura, R. H., & Giroud, A. (2019). Japan as a Location for MNE activities: Investment Trends and Firm Strategies. Panel session presented at the 32nd The Association of Japanese Business Studies (AJBS) Annual Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
井口知栄. (2018). 多国籍企業のグローバル・バリュー・チェーン統括戦略:非出資型国際生産による外部化の視点から. 多国籍企業学会全国大会, 関西大学.
Iguchi, C. (2017). Building strong global competitiveness by Emerging MNEs: From CSAs and FSAs perspectives. Paper presented at the CEGBI Seminar, York Management School, University of York.
Iguchi, C. (2017). Relocation of R&D by MNEs within ASEAN countries. Paper presented at the International workshop hosted by the Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research Center (RIERC), Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pécs, Hungary.
Iguchi, C. (2017). Teaching international business courses in Asia in English when English is not the native language of the teacher and/or not the native language of the students. Paper presented at the Academy of International Business (AIB), Dubai, UAE.
井口知栄. (2017). 多国籍企業の海外進出戦略論の再検討:グローバル・バリュー・チェーン統括戦略の視点から. 日本経営学会関東部会, 慶應義塾大学.
井口知栄. (2017). 多国籍企業の研究開発・技術開発拠点のリロケーション:ホストアジア諸国の事例を中心に. 産総研触媒化学融合研究センター第51回講演会, 産総研、つくば市.
Iguchi, C., Hayashi, T., & Nakayama, A. (2016). The Effects of Inter-Organizational Collaborative R&D on MNEs' Innovation Systems. Paper presented at the European International Business Academy, Vienna, Austria.
井口知栄. (2016). 日系企業の研究開発・技術開発のアジア域内でのリロケーション. アジア経営学会第23回全国大会, 九州産業大学.
井口知栄. (2016). 日本企業のグローバルR&D:在東南アジアR&D拠点の役割. グローバル経営研究会2月例会, 経営研究所、東京.
Iguchi, C. (2015). From Local Suppliers to Malaysian MNEs: Effects of National Innovation Systems on EMNEs. Paper presented at the 41st Conference of European International Business Academy (EIBA), RUC Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Iguchi, C. (2015). Global R&D by Japanese MNEs: Knowledge Sourcing and Transferring from Host Countries to Home Country. Paper presented at the German-Japanese Colloquium, Knowledge Transfer Across Borders: Integrative Approaches, Old Observatory, Gottingen, Germany.
Iguchi, C. (2015). Local and Global Innovation by Japanese MNEs. Paper presented at the Asia Academy of Management Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
井口知栄. (2015). 日系多国籍企業のイノベーション・システム-在東南アジアR&D拠点の役割と企業間連携の視点から. 工業経営研究学会第30回全国大会, 明治大学.
Iguchi, C. (2014). The Effects of Inter-Organizational Collaborative R&D Teams on MNEs' Innovation Systems. Paper presented at the workshop on Global HRM at Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration, Kobe University, Japan.
Iguchi, C. (2014). Inter-Organizational Linkages and their Role in the Global Value Chain and National Innovation System of the Philippines. Paper presented at the EIBA conference, Uppsala University, Sweden.
Asakawa, K., & Iguchi, C. (2014). Exploring the Advantages of Japan's IB Research Environment: A Comparative Perspective. Paper presented at the Japan Academy of Multinational Enterprises East Region Meeting, Meiji University.
Hayashi, T., & Iguchi, C. (2014). Business Ecosystems in Newly Emerging Countries and the Base of the Pyramid (BOP) Strategies: What Japanese firms can learn from the case of the Philippines. Paper presented at the Academy of Japanese Business Studies (AJBS), Vancouver, Canada.
Iguchi, C. (2013). Centralized or Decentralized R&D by MNEs? Some Implications from the Cases of Japanese MNEs in Host Asian Countries. 第6回多国籍企業学会全国大会, 阪南大学、大阪、日本.
Iguchi, C. (2013). Centralized or Decentralized R&D? Some Implications from the Cases of Japanese Multinationals in Thailand, Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and India. Paper presented at the Creating and capturing value in the next wave of globalization: experiences in (offshore) services production from India, East Asia and Southeast Asia, University of Amsterdam and Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand.
Iguchi, C. (2013). Roles of MNEs' Innovation Strategies on National Innovation Systems. Paper presented at the workshop on Networking and Innovation, IKU Innovation Centre, Budapest, Hungary.
Iguchi, C. (2013). Roles of offshored R&D by Japanese MNEs: Comparative Studies of Asian and European Countries. Paper presented at the International Workshop on East Asian Investments in Europe, White Role East Asia Centre, University of Leeds.
Hayashi, T., Nakayama, A., & Iguchi, C. (2013). Strategic Knowledge Creation and the Management of Diversities - Comparative Analysis of Kao Corporation and P&G. Paper presented at the Association of Japanese Business Studies (AJBS), Istanbul, Turkey.
Iguchi, C. (2012). Globalization of R&D by Japanese MNEs. Paper presented at the Korea Academy of International Business (KAIB), Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea
Iguchi, C. (2012). The Innovation System of Culture-Specific MNEs: the Effects of Diversified and Geographically Dispersed Knowledge Sourcing Mechanism. Paper presented at the Association of Japanese Business Studies (AJBS), Washington D.C. USA
Iguchi, C. (2012). The Innovation System of Culture-Specific MNEs: the Effects of Diversified and Geographically Dispersed Knowledge Sourcing Mechanism. Paper presented at the Academy of International Business (AIB), Washington D.C. USA
Iguchi, C. (2012). The Organisational Linkages and Technological Development. Paper presented at the International Federation of East Asian Management Associations (IFEAMA), Hohai University, Nanjing, China.
Iguchi, C. (2012 ). The Roles of MNEs in Asian Host Developing Countries; The Case of Malaysia. Paper presented at the European International Business Academy (EIBA), University of Sussex, UK.
井口知栄. (2012). 多国籍企業の戦略的知識創造のメカニズム‐グローバル協働研究開発プロセスの比較分析を中心として‐. 第69回国際ビジネス研究学会関東部会, 早稲田大学.
Iguchi, C. (2011). Global Innovation and R&D for Knowledge Creation- The Case of Culture-Specific Industry. 多国籍企業学会西部部会, 近畿大学、大阪、日本.
Iguchi, C. (2011). Globalization of R&D. 3rd Reading Conference, Henley Business School at University of Reading.
Iguchi, C. (2011). Knowledge Creation and R&D systems of MNEs. Paper presented at the Academy of International Business (AIB), Nagoya, Japan.
Iguchi, C. (2011). The Knowledge Creation Mechanisms of Culture-Specific MNEs: the Effects of Diversified and Geographically Dispersed Innovation System. Paper presented at the Euro-Asia Management Studies Association (EAMSA) 28th Conference, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Iguchi, C. (2011). The Knowledge Creation of MNEs: the Effects of Diversified and Geographically Dispersed Innovation System. Paper presented at the European International Business Academy (EIBA) 37th Conference, The Faculty of International Business, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania.
井口知栄. (2011). 日系企業のグローバルイノベーション戦略‐在アジアR&D拠点を中心に‐. アジア経営学会第18回全国大会、統一論題関連シンポジウム「日本企業とアジア進出」, 龍谷大学、京都.
Iguchi, C. (2020). Resilience Podcast #7- Japan - How Resilient is Business and Management in Europe and Asia? Covid-19 and the Consequences for Euro-Asian Business, Podcast broadcasted at Asia Observatory from 11 May 2020.
井口知栄(2019). 談話室:イギリスのうつろいとよみがえる思い出. 塾, 2019 Winter(No. 301), p23.
井口知栄 (2016). 「ホスト国としてのASEANと日本企業の動向」. 『JMAマネジメント』, 28-29.
井口知栄 (2016). 海外の国際ビジネス関連学会とジャーナルとの関わり方. 国際ビジネス研究, 第8巻(第2号), 179-185.
井口知栄(2017).「豊かな立地優位性が生み出すインバウンド効果―紋別市の取り組み」,『ていくおふ』(pp--) , 株式会社ANA総合研究所.
井口知栄 (2014). Researcher's Eye 現地調査のすすめ. 三田評論, 2014 October(No. 1182), p9.
2020 La 10eme conference annuelle d'Atlas-AFMI Best Paper Award 受賞
2019 The Palgrave Macmillan Best Paper Award for EAMSA 受賞
2012 The Palgrave Macmillan Best Paper Award for AJBS Finalist
2007 The Palgrave Macmillan Best Paper Award for EAMSA 受賞
2006 The Palgrave Macmillan Best Paper Award for EAMSA Finalist
基盤研究(C)『イノベーション集積地における多国籍企業研究開発拠点の役割の変遷に関する研究』(2022年 – 2025年度)研究代表者
基盤研究(B)『多国籍企業におけるブリッジ機能に関する統合的研究』(2020年 – 2022年度)分担研究者
基盤研究(B)『日系企業と現地NGO協働のBOP戦略と持続可能なビジネス生態系に関する研究』(2019年 – 2021年度)分担研究者
挑戦的研究(萌芽)『アジア新興国におけるサステイナブル・ビジネスモデルと開発経営学理論の構築』(2019年 – 2020年度)分担研究者
基盤研究(C)『特許及びテキストマイニングによるイノベーション測定と日本企業の行動心理分析』(2018年 – 2020年度)分担研究者
基盤研究(C)『多国籍企業子会社の研究開発拠点の役割の変遷と成果の活用に関する研究』(2018年 – 2021年度)研究代表者
基盤研究(B)『多国籍企業における研究開発戦略と国際人的資源管理の統合的研究』(2017年 – 2019年度)分担研究者
基盤研究(B)『知識創出ツールに基づくことにより実利用可能となるテキストマイニング手法の開発』(2015年 – 2017年度)分担研究者
基盤研究(B)『多国籍企業によるローカルからグローバル・イノベーションへの進展の研究』(2015年 – 2018年度)分担研究者
基盤研究(B)『NGOと日系企業の協働的BOP戦略と新興国の自律的ビジネス生態系に関する研究』(2015年 – 2017年度)分担研究者
挑戦的萌芽研究『新興国の自律的ビジネス生態系と日系企業のソーシャル・ビジネスモデルに関する研究』(2014年 – 2015年度)分担研究者
慶應義塾学事振興資金研究補助『特許申請と論文掲載から考察するグローバル研究開発戦略と産学連携の役割に関する研究』(2013年度) 研究代表者
基盤研究(B)『日系企業のBOP戦略とビジネス生態系モデルに関する研究』(2011年 – 2013年度)分担研究者
挑戦的萌芽研究『日系企業と NGO との協働によるビジネス生態系モデルの研究』(2011年 – 2012年度)分担研究者
若手研究(B)『グローバル・イノベーション戦略における多国籍企業本社と子会社の役割に関する研究』(2011年 – 2014年度)研究代表者
基盤研究(B)『持続的国際競争優位の動態的創出と国際標準化技術との関係性に関する研究』(2010年 – 2012年度)分担研究者
基盤研究(C)『国際的な M&A における人的資源問題』(2010年 – 2012年度)分担研究者
若手研究(B)『多国籍企業のグローバル戦略とホスト国での企業間連携の関連性』(2008年 – 2010年度)研究代表者
基盤研究(B)『技術経営に関する経営学的視点からの実証的・理論的研究』(2007年 – 2009年度)分担研究者
若手研究(スタートアップ) 『ナショナル・イノベーション・システムにおけるバックワードリンケージの有効性の実証研究』(2006年 – 2007年度)研究代表者
Contribution to Academic Society
1. Contribution to International Academic Associations
Conference Organizer/Program Chair
■ The 38th Euro-Asia Management Studies Association (EAMSA) Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 2022.
■ The 25th Euro-Asia Management Studies Association (EAMSA) Conference, Kyoto, Japan, December 2008.
■ The Association of Japanese Business Studies Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2013.
Board member/Representative
■ European International Business Academy(EIBA), National Representative of Japan, 2014-2019
■ Euro-Asia Management Studies Association (EAMSA), Executive Secretary, 2010-2021
■ Euro-Asia Management Studies Association (EAMSA), Advisory Committee Member, 2002-2010
■ The Association of Japanese Business Studies (AJBS), President, 2017-2019
2. Contribution to Japanese Associations
Conference Organizer/Program Chair
■ Association of Multinational Enterprises (AMNE), Keio University, July 2015.
Board member/Representative
■ Association of Multinational Enterprises (AMNE), Board member and chair of International Relation, July 2013-
■ Japan Association of International Business Studies (JAIBS), Board member and committee member of International Relation, October 2015 - September 2018, October 2018 – September 2021, November 2021 - October 2024) Advisory Committee Member of International Relation, October 2013- September 2015)
■ Japan Association of Business Administration (JABA), Advisory Committee Member of International Relation, September 2014-
3. Journal Editorial Leadership
■ Japan Scholarly Association for Asian Management, Editor,2009-2011
■ Review of International Business and Strategy, 2015-
■ International Journal of Multinational Corporation Strategy, 2015-
4. List of Member Associations
Euro-Asia Management Studies Association(EAMSA)
European International Business Academy(EIBA)
Academy of International Business (AIB)
The Association of Japanese Business Studies (AJBS)
International Federation of East Asian Management Association (IFEAMA)
International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management (IFSAM)
Japan MNE Insights can be downloaded from here