Our Mission

Our mission is to provide specialized, comprehensive care to children with Down syndrome in the Bay Area and beyond, and to collaborate with community partners and researchers to improve the health of all individuals with Down syndrome

At Charlie's Clinic, our goal is to understand your child, focusing on his/her strengths, and to provide guidance and support in your parenting journey

During a visit, we will discuss all aspect of your child's health, ensuring that he/she is up to date with the American Academy of Pediatrics Healthcare Guidelines

Our visits are multidisciplinary. During your visit, our doctor and our development specialist will ask you questions about your child's developmental and educational progress, behavioral concerns, and independence with activities of daily living. Our goal is to provide all families with practical resources to support their child's learning, and to help advocate for services through the school districts and Regional Centers.

We encourage you to bring your child’s individualized educational plan (IEP) and/or individualized family support plan (IFSP) for review.

The visit also includes a review of your child’s social health and socialization opportunities. The clinic organizes social events for all patients to attend, to promote the development of a supportive and inclusive community. Our social worker assists families in applying for helpful benefits and in connecting with community resources.

You can learn more about Charlie's Clinic here:

We want to acknowledge Dr Bert Lubin, former CEO of UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland, who made the dream of a Down Syndrome Clinic a reality.