Videos & Podcasts



Support for Families


“Down Syndrome Regression Disorder: Evidence of Neuroinflammations and Immunotherapy Responsiveness”

Presented by: Jonathan D. Santoro, MD

Medical Director, Neuroimmunology and Demyelinating Disorders Program

Children’s Hospital Los Angeles

Comfortable in My Skin

Dermatologic Issues in Down Syndrome

The Dual Diagnosis of Down Syndrome and Autism

Puberty 101 and Special Needs

Comprehensive Care of Children with T21


Exercises to Support Strong Gross Motor Development

Please check with your physical therapist or your pediatrician before trying these exercises with your child.

12 videos from Down Syndrome Association UK: “We are delighted to share 12 films made by Movimento Down, Brazil, which show activities for babies and toddlers guided by physiotherapist Alexandra Wakahara. The short films describe activities and supports for children from birth to 3 months, 6 to 9 months, 9 to 12 months and for children older than 12 months. We recommend parents discuss any of the activities shown with their child’s physiotherapist before undertaking them, so they know they are right for their child.”

5 videos from “Raising Caleb:” This is a channel by a mom in the UK who is demonstrating exercises from the same physical therapy book we reference in the podcast!