Water Conservation/Rebates

//////// DROUGHT RESPONSE UPDATE //////////

In response to Governor Gavin Newsom’s Executive Order N-5-23 and improved drought conditions, the Central Water District Board of Directors passed a motion terminating the District's Stage 1—Mild Water Shortage Conditions, at the April 17, 2023 Board Meeting.


If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the District Office at (831)688-2767.

2022 Revised Drought Water Shortage Contingency Plan--APPROVED.pdf


Greywater | Central Coast Greywater Alliance 

California Greywater Law

Greywater is waste water from laundry machines, bathroom sinks, showers, and bathtubs. California law does not allow greywater use from kitchen sinks or dishwashers. In January 2010, the California Building Standards Commission adopted greywater  guidelines into the California Plumbing Code. The California Plumbing Code Chapter 16 facilitates water conservation, relieves stress on private septic systems, makes legal compliance easily achievable, and provides guidelines for avoiding potentially unhealthful conditions. Chapter 16 classifies greywater systems as clothes washer systems,  simple systems producing 250 gallons a day or less, and complex systems that produce 250 gallons per day or more.   The code requires a construction permit for any greywater system that makes changes to a home’s drain/waste plumbing connected to clothes washers, showers, bathtubs, and bathroom sinks. The code allows residential graywater landscape irrigation from washing machines without a construction permit if the system meets all performance guidelines in the code (see Greywater System Requirements below). 

Designing Your System

The most reliable, economical, and low-maintenance greywater system designs require no pumps, filters, or storage tanks.  Greywater is piped directly to the receiving landscape and distributed into mulch basins. The biology of the mulch basin and surrounding soil is the treatment system that digests organic debris, soap, and any potential pathogens.

Whereas laundry-to-landscape systems use the clothes washer’s internal pump to distribute greywater to mulch basins, branched drain systems from bathroom sinks, showers, tubs, and interior laundry rooms rely on gravity to send greywater into mulch basins through a branched drain irrigation system. Landscapes that are flat or uphill from the greywater source may require an effluent pump system. Greywater to drip irrigation is possible, but requires pumping, filtration, and backflow prevention, all of which increase overall system cost and maintenance.  

Greywater System Requirements

All greywater irrigation systems must comply with the following guidelines to protect the environment and avoid system failure: 

■ Any greywater system that includes a connection to a potable or municipal water supply must have an approved, backflow prevention device. Laundry to landscape greywater irrigation systems that are exempt from permitting must have no connection to the potable water supply or an external pump.

■ The greywater system design must include an accessible, clearly labeled, three-way valve that diverts the greywater back to the building sewer. Greywater should be diverted to the building sewer during the rainy season between November and April.

■ The greywater must not leave the property where it came from or come within 100 feet of any creek, wetland, or waterway.

■ The groundwater table must be lower than 3 feet from the lowest greywater irrigation or disposal point.

■ Each release point of the greywater irrigation system must be covered with at least 2¨of mulch, rock, soil, or a soil shield. Sprinkler irrigation and ponding of greywater are not allowed!

■ Water used to wash diapers or other infectious garments must be diverted to the building sewer.

■ Greywater may not contain hazardous chemicals.

■ Greywater may not be used to irrigate root crops or other edible crops that touch the soil.

■ An operations and maintenance manual for the greywater system must be provided by the installer and must be transferred to the new tenant or owner for the life of the greywater system.

■ Greywater irrigation systems must be located a minimum horizontal distance away from the following landscape features:

For detailed information regarding required setbacks for greywater tanks, greywater irrigation fields, and greywater disposal fields, see Table 1602.4 of Chapter 16 of the California Plumbing Code.


Santa Cruz County Residents

To build a greywater system that is connected to a shower, tub or sink, a Building Permit is required.  For guidelines on how to obtain a permit please see the Santa Cruz County Planning Department website:    http://www.sccoplanning.com/

Residential Toilet Rebate Program

Central Water District (CWD) customers replacing a toilet using 3.5 gallons per flush (gpf) with a high efficiency toilet (HET) are eligible for a credit of $50.00.

In order to receive the credit, customers must turn in a completed application along with the receipts for the purchase and installation of the HET.

Residential Toilet Rebate Program Applications may be obtained by contacting the Central Water District office at 831-688-2767 or by email at admin@centralwaterdistrict.us.com.

You can also download and print the application by clicking the attachment below.

Residentail Toilet Rebate Program Application_CWD.pdf

Residential Clothes Washer Rebate Program

 Central Water District (CWD) customers replacing a conventional clothes washer with a high-efficiency clothes washer are eligible for a credit of $50.00.

In order to receive the credit, customers must turn in a completed application along with the receipt for the purchase of a new high-efficiency, Energy Star compliant washer. Please see the information below for rebate program rules and requirements

Residential Clothes Washer Rebate Program Applications may be obtained by contacting the Central Water District office at 831-688-2767 or by email admin@centralwaterdistrict.us.com.  

You are also welcome to stop by the Central Water District office at 400 Cox Road, Aptos.

Rules and Requirements:

Note: Rebates are limited to $100.00 per qualifying household.  Rebates can be applied through the installation of one high efficiency washer or one high efficiency washer and one low flow toilet or two flow toilets.