What does Peer Tutor mean?

Peer means “companion.” 

For university students (including graduate students), “students” are “peers.” 

Here at the Academic Writing Support Desk, peer tutoring support is mainly referred to as the offering of advice and support to students by trained students (in this case, we call them tutors). The content of support concentrates mainly on “how to proceed with learning.” 



CEGLOC AWSDでは、英語文章の指導を行うチューターを募集しています。チューターの専門分野や出身、文化的背景は多岐にわたります。それぞれの強みを生かして、お互いに学び合う雰囲気の職場です。あなたも、ライティング・センターのチューターとして働いてみませんか?





NG Lay Sion 教員: ng.sion.ga@u.tsukuba.ac.jp


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We are hiring! 

AWSD is currently looking for potential tutors to join our group! We welcome tutors with a wide range of specialties, origins, and cultural backgrounds, as AWSD is a workplace with an atmosphere where we can learn from each other by making the best use of each strength. Would you like to be a tutor at AWSD? Come and join us if you are interested!

Application period

We are currently accepting applications! Please submit your application HERE

Main Duties and Responsibilities

 What do I get from being a peer tutor? 

You will gain distinction in the school from your peers and teachers as an AWSD peer tutor. It’s also a great resume boost and looks good on college applications. 

All students selected to be tutors will have the unique opportunity to learn about knowledge acquisition—this will benefit your tutoring and prepare you for the demands of college and the workplace. This training program is relevant for students entering a helping profession such as teaching, counseling, or medicine. 

As you help others problem-solve and learn, you will see tremendous benefits in your academic work. You can also make an appointment with another tutor when you are “off duty.” 

Through Peer Tutoring, students become more capable 21st-century learners and actors. For example, more capable critical thinkers, communicators, creators, and collaborators. 

As one past student put it, “I have gained social skills I hadn’t even realized I had lacked in the past.” Many of the skills you’ll learn in our tutor-training lessons apply to non-tutoring situations. 

Have questions? 

Send an email to Prof. Ng: ng.sion.ga@u.tsukuba.ac.jp 

or tsukuba.cegloc.english@gmail.com