よくある質問   Q&A

利用できるのは誰ですか?  Who can come?


All students of the university community who wish to have feedback on a piece of their writing can come!

チューターやコンサルタントは何をしてくれるのですか?  What will a consultation do for me?


A consultation will help you improve your writing. A consultation is also a place for you to brainstorm ideas for your writing.

相談ではどのように行われますか?  What is a writing consultation like?


Question, question, question! A consultation is discussing your work through a series of questions and answers with a tutor/consultant. We do encourage you to come with your questions ready for the tutor/consultant and get the most out of your experience.

相談に持参するものは何ですか?  What do I need to take with me to a consultation?


We work with writers during any stage of their writing process. So, please feel free to bring your journal description, assignment instructions, ideas, questions, or brainstorming notes! Print them out and bring them with you or bring your laptop. 

チューターは原稿の文法的な誤りなどを訂正してくれるのですか?  Will the tutors correct the grammar mistakes on my paper?


We will not proofread your whole work for you. However, we will help you understand your grammatical errors by showing you the resources or examples.

料金はかかりますか?  Do I have to pay for an appointment?


No. Appointments are free for all students!

予約はどこから行いますか? How do I make an appointment?



You can click here to make an appointment.