ツールキット    Toolkit (Under construction)

Introduction to the AWSD Toolkit

To make your academic writing process more efficient and organized, this page introduces various tools to help you manage your writing projects. Whether you are writing a 500-word paper for an assignment, a 8,000-word thesis, or a book, learning about some useful tools may smooth out your path of academic writing.


Before you write, you may cycle through stages of planning, brainstorming, drafting, or even sketching. You may also be reading various references and taking notes along the way. You will benefit greatly from the one-stop tools below. 


OneNote allows you to keep multiple notebooks. Within each notebook, you can open multiple sections, and within sections you can open multiple pages. The pages support text, simple drawing, voice recording, and insertion of files, images and calendar. The use of tags or a simple keyword search can help retrieve information.


A free open source alternative to the MS OneNote. It has similar functions as OneNote and is an equally good tool to type, draw, make lists, save hyperlinks, insert images and files.


This option is a non-linear visual organization tool. You can organize and link your different ideas in a web-like structure.


2. Researching

These are the most handy tools for searching for scholarly references. 


University of Tsukuba Library Tulips Search https://www.tulips.tsukuba.ac.jp/lib/ 

3. Writing

To make your writing process a lot more organized, you should learn about the following two functions in your existing word processing software, such as MS Word, Google Docs, Pages, etc:




Set Text Level in MS Word

Set Text Level in Google Docs

Citation in MS Word (Under construction)

4. Editing

You can use these sites to help check your grammar, writing readability, and references. 


Tools for Advanced Researchers

For researchers who are engaging in more elaborate writing projects, the following tools may be useful.

Citation guides 

These guides are useful to help understand different types of citations. Check the referencing style you need to use with your department and/or publication. 


Purdue OWL (Comprehensive) https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/resources.html 

APA style https://apastyle.apa.org/ 

Chigaco style https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/home.html 

MLA style https://style.mla.org/  https://style.mla.org/works-cited/works-cited-a-quick-guide/ 

Online Citation generators

A quick way to generate a reference list with a small number of items 


Citation Machine https://www.citationmachine.net/ 

Zoterobib https://zbib.org/ 

APA citation generator https://www.scribbr.com/apa-citation-generator/ 

Mybib https://www.mybib.com/ 

Easybib https://www.easybib.com/ 

Bibliography software and plug-in

For researchers who are managing larger projects which require a sizable body of references, a good bibliography software helps keep your references organized for easy retrieval and easy citation. 


EndNote https://endnote.com/

Mendeley https://www.mendeley.com/ 

Zotero https://www.zotero.org/ 

Civati https://www.citavi.com/en 

RefWorks @ ProQuest https://www.refworks.com/refworks2/?groupcode=RWUTsukuba 

BibTeX http://www.bibtex.org/ 

Cite This For Me https://www.citethisforme.com/ 

Other online research tools

Dictionaries: Collocation, Thesaurus, OED etc. (suggestions)

Oxford English Dictionary https://www.tulips.tsukuba.ac.jp/lib/en/dbinfo/OED (Currently suspended)

Cambridge Online Dictionary https://dictionary.cambridge.org/ 

Merriam-Webster https://www.merriam-webster.com/ 

Collins Cobuild https://www.collinsdictionary.com/ 

Macmillan Dictionary https://www.macmillandictionary.com/browse/collocations/british/a/ 

Online Collocation Dictionary https://www.freecollocation.com/ 

Ozdic Collocation Dictionary https://ozdic.com/ 

One Look Dictionary Search https://www.onelook.com/