WIOA/Skill Source


Why Case Workers?

EduWorkforce Training and Consulting Inc. keeps contact with workforce development agencies. We have developed a comprehensive set of support that involves multiple public and private systems and partners to help individual students with barriers earn their CDA certification. In many cases, help them transition into the labor market.

Eduworkforce keeps contact with local businesses to provide students with work experience. Students are provided with internship and financial literacy opportunities when needed. EduWorkforce with collaboration with local workforce development agencies such as Arlington Employment Center helps students in their job hunt by preparing their resume and providing interviewing skills.

Case workers are the golden liaison between most of our students and their bright future. They say that teaching is a work of heart. We will add that social/case workers also work from the heart. This website was built with WIOA and SkillSource case managers and other decision makers in mind. Students could find the information on this site helpful, but we encourage them to go on www.eduworkforce.com for more information.