
CDA Gold

Welcome to EduWorkforce CDA Gold

EduWorkforce Training and Consulting Inc. is a Virginia based, minority woman owned company specialized in online and on-site workforce development and training.

EduWorkforce CDA training program is certified for participants in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) by The Alexandria/Arlington Regional Workforce Council (AARWC).

EduWorckforce CDA training program is certified for use throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. Any state resident eligible for training under WIOA may apply for this training program at any full service One-Stop employment center such as Alexandria Workforce Development Center or the Arlington Employment Center.

For other state, contact us for more information.

Phone: (703)-899-5371

This website was built with WIOA, Skill Source case managers and other decision makers in mind. Students could find the information on this site very helpful, but we encourage them to go on for more information.

What is a CDA?

Child Development Associate (CDA) is an individual who has successfully completed a CDA assessment and has been awarded the CDA Credential. S/he is able to meet the specific needs of children and works with parents and other adults to nurture children’s physical, social, emotional, and intellectual growth in a child development framework.

EduWorkforce CDA Gold is working with workforce development agencies and schools to bring quality Child Care training, workshops and to early childhood educators.

EduWorkforce Training and Consulting Inc. is proud to offer where you can find information on Eduwokforce CDA training and workshops for quality childhood education and development.

Ask us about our course on English Communication Skills for Early

Childhood Educators.