Reflect, Revitalize & Rebrand

Reflect, Revitalize & Rebrand

In order to maintain and sustain productivity of the CCoT team, it is also important to allow the team opportunities to reflect on the team as a whole, and not just the goals of the team. Energizing and uplifting success stories can help revitalize enthusiasm in team members and increase efforts to continue with the work. In addition, the team should take this time to re-evaluate their mission, vision, and goals, otherwise known as rebranding. This process allows teams to appreciate what they have accomplished and look forward to the work they will be doing.


The process of reflection is a way of improving a team’s overall performance. It allows teams time to review and analyze what went well and what did not go well. Team members should be given time to reflect individually and come together to reflect as a group. This helps determine what actions and activities the team would like to repeat, change, or maybe discontinue. Reflection helps drive future goals and objectives and gives team members time to process and connect with the work of the CCoT.


CCoT teams can suffer from losses of momentum and enthusiasm throughout the course of the year. Members may need to push their team to stay engaged, motivated, and focused. The process of revitalizing often involves moving the team out of the neutral zone. The neutral zone is when one phase ends, but before a new phase begins. At the end of the year, the team that worked well together and accomplished a lot may fall into a neutral zone wondering if the team will have new members, new roles, or what the challenges will be like in the new year. It may occur after a successful event and trying to decide what to do next. During these times, the CCoT team may have a lull in participation or individuals may be hesitant to take on new tasks. It is important to keep communication open and encourage members to participate in planning for the future. To view helpful resources on how to move teams beyond the neutral zone, please review the below links.


Rebranding is a chance to revisit the mission statement, vision statement, and values of the CCoT. This is a good time to review the data from activities. Reassess the goals of the CCoT and review the progress made. It may be a good time to incorporate new goals. Share the successful completion of existing goals with the districts, students, and community. Based on what was learned over the past year, discuss if there are additional items the CCoT could provide to help students succeed. Look into ways to get additional community support and make connections for students. Incorporate these discussions into the team’s vision, values, and goals and share them with the community.