Meeting Follow-Up

Meeting Follow-up:

Once the meeting has concluded, it is important to provide follow-up to help the team stay focused on the outcomes the CCoT strives for. It is important that communication is maintained not only during the meetings, but between the meetings as well. Minutes of the meeting should be written so all will understand (do not use shorthand or abbreviated words that are not common knowledge). Minutes should be prepared as soon after the meeting as possible and distributed to all members. The minutes should include who attended the meeting, topics covered, decisions made, and identify individuals responsible for any actions that need to be taken. It may be beneficial to store copies of minutes in a mutually accessible location so members can easily review the information.

Along with the minutes, consider using a feedback form for members to reflect on the meeting and provide opinions on what they felt was strong or positive during the meeting, as well as items they would like to see changed. Allow members to provide opinions on ways to improve meetings. All opinions should be considered valid and incorporated into meetings, if possible. The feedback form could also provide an area for suggested topics for future meetings. These can help build agendas and guide the direction of the team.

In addition to the minutes and feedback form, consider providing a platform for members to share ideas, success stories, and additional resources. Such platforms could include a Facebook page, a Google document, a LiveBinder or Padlet, or even a group email. If the CCoT does not meet monthly, consider doing short virtual check-ins between meetings. These could be limited to half-hour meetings that allow members to provide updates and ask questions. Consider creating a webpage for your CCoT where members and the community can view agendas, minutes, resources, and see progress your CCoT is making by reading stories and viewing pictures (make sure the CCoT has consent before posting any pictures).