Drakensberg & surrounding area videos

The following are a series of inspirational video clips of the Drakensberg and surrounding areas:

The Amphitheatre (Source:You Tube and Kieran Allan)

The Drakensberg Experience (Source: You Tube and the Drakensberg Experience)

Ukhahlamba Drakenberg (Source: You Tube and Alex Nall)

Drakensberg: South Africa . (Source: You Tube and Milosh Kitchovitch)

Fern Forest and Blue Grotto Hike (Source: James Seymour and You Tube)

Mnweni Pools (Source: James Seymour and You Tube)

Gliding in South Africa Drakensberg Mountains (Source: You Tube)

A pictorial overview of the Thukela Gorge Hike, Royal Natal, Northern Drakensberg. (Source: James Seymour and You Tube)

The World Famous Drakensberg Choir. (Source: You Tube and The DBCS)

The story of Spionkop, one of the most significant Anglo-Boer War Battlefields, near Winterton. (Source You Tube)

In the steps of the San, The Didima Valley. (Source You Tube, James Seymour)