Discovery Routes - Jennifer McCourt

Cycle Tourism - Discovery Routes-DRAFT.pptx

About Jennifer McCourt

Jennifer has dedicated the past 20 years to advocating for community trail connections in Northeastern Ontario through Discovery Routes, a small charity based in North Bay, Ontario. As Executive Director of Discovery Routes, Jennifer works in collaboration with at least 56 community Trail Partners in 40 small Northern communities to facilitate new trail development, advocate for community trail linkages and promote the use of over 1000KM of land and water-based routes in support of better health, tourism, strong communities and environmental appreciation. Discovery Routes provides stewardship to 340KM of the Trans Canada Trail, and more recently assumed the coordinating role for the development and promotion of the 645KM Voyageur Cycling Route putting Northeastern Ontario on the provincial cycling map with connections through Renfrew and Lanark County to the National Capital Region and Quebec. Under Jennifer’s leadership, Discovery Routes has secured over $4 million for trail and cycling infrastructure leveraging millions more in investments by municipalities and the province. Jennifer lives in Callander, Ontario and is always keen to explore and discover new trails.