Upholstery, Sofa, Settee, 3 Piece Suite Cleaning

Upholstery Cleaning Birmingham (Settee, Sofa, 3-piece Suites).

You can’t just go diving in and clean a sofa.

Even the labels on the suites are not always correct (more about this later). You have to do several tests. You have to check that the fabric should be dry cleaned or wet cleaned. You have to check if the dyes are colourfast or if they will run.

Once you’ve started, that’s it. There’s no turning back. It’s not like a computer where you press the “back” button if you get something wrong. You cannot restart or reset a sofa / settee restoration job. It has to be right first time. If a cleaner makes a mistake, it is them (or their insurance company) who carries the can for replacing the items. These chairs (½ way through the work) were from a fire station. They were covered in soot. You can see they were actually pink underneath! This is where loads of specialist training, plus years of experience comes in. You have to be able to spot potential problems straightaway. Over the years, you gain tons of working knowledge (after being schooled by someone who has seen it all). It really is a minefield for someone who does not know what they are doing. So… I bet you are wondering…

Is there anyone out there who you can trust?

Well, here’s something astonishing … even us professionals can’t be sure. What do you think of this?… As I said above, you cannot even believe what the “cleaning instructions” labels on sofas and settees say. I was talking to another cleaner who had a working relationship with a manufacturer. This is as shocking as it is amazing. You see…

…Years of practical experience give you a “nose” or “sixth sense” for spotting these dangers…

This Pro told me he was at the factory one day when he saw piles of labels for furniture. When he asked the workers how they knew what went where, they did not know. They said …. when they ran out of labels, they just used any that came to hand! Imagine that. You could have a suite made out of a delicate fibre. When a cleaner came along, they could (innocently) carry out work according to the instructions and accidently ruin your soft furnishings. You also need to have the right tools.