Carpet Cleaning Solihull

Carpet Cleaning Solihull

Your carpets and furniture are probably the third most expensive thing you have (following the house and car).

We know people whose furniture costs over ten thousand pounds (sometimes for one item).

Many carpets we come across can range from thirty to over one hundred pounds per square metre.

You cannot just go steaming in without doing a thorough survey first.

You cannot just pick up any “carpet cleaner” at the supermarket and expect to do a good job without damaging the fibres.

You need training, experience and several different techniques.

We have a multi stage process developed for safely cleaning delicate fibres and fabrics.

Here’s a couple of before and after photographs. The tenant tried to do it themselves, made a right mess and we got called in to put it right!

Amazingly, the first photograph is AFTER they attempted to clean it!

Here’s what you will get…

Step 1

Carry out detailed survey. Check fibre, fabric type. Look for any existing or potentially damaged areas. Decide on the mildest cleaning solution for the type of soiling.

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Step 2.

The simple but vital bit. Dry soil removal.

As much as 85% of the soil can be dry. In other words, we can remove that before we get moisture anywhere near.

Thorough dry vacuuming is essential.

Step 3

Apply a pre spray of our plant based “green” carpet cleaning solution. In nearly all domestic situations, this is the mildest solution in our range.

Not only does it clean beautifully, it also kills viruses and bacteria so your carpets and upholstery smell clean and fresh.

Wait 20 – 30 minutes for it to work it’s magic.

Step 4

Finally we start the removal process.

By now, the solution has broken down the dirt and bacteria ready for removal.

Using either plain water (or very mild acidic mix which is better for delicate fibres), we rinse the dirt out. Notice there is no cleaning solution used at this stage.

This is because any left in will make the carpet get dirty quicker. You wouldn’t shampoo your hair without rinsing afterwards would you?

Step 5.

Post clean inspection and re treatment where appropriate. Permanent stains will have been pointed out at the initial inspection phase.

Step 6

The Drying process.

We use a brush (called a carpet rake) to remove footmarks and get the pile looking nice and uniform. This stands the fibres up and makes them easier to dry.

Then we bring in the blower that really speeds up the drying process.

Waterproof cards are placed under furniture legs to stop wood dye being transferred on to a damp carpet.

Please. click here to get in touch

Upholstery Cleaning Solihull

if you have upholstery that is looking a little bit dull or tired, we can almost certainly help you.

It’s a multi stage process like above but more complicated than carpets. There are a myriad of fabrics and mixes. Most can be cleaned but some cannot.

This is why every upholstery job… settees, sofas, chairs, three piece suites etc has to be personally inspected.


You will see a huge variance in pricing.

From years of experience we can tell you that it takes the best part of four man hours to clean a suite properly.

Some, often costing several thousand pounds, can take longer still. You need to use the mildest solutions available to avoid colour run, fading or shrinking.

A lot of these cheap “cowboy” cleaners will hit your furniture with super strong chemicals to get a fast result. When they are long gone, you will stiil be counting the cost.

With us, you will have it done properly, safely and professionally. Get in touch now and we’ll sort it for you.

Please. click here to get in touch

Carpet And Fabric Protector Solihull

Does protector work. Yes.

Is it a miracle cure for everything. No.

It does however, keep things clean and makes it much easier for a cleaner to remove spillages and dirt later. The only thing it does not do so well on is very open weave fabrics as you can’t protect gaps (thin air!).

Have a look at this video. It shows protector applied to paper kitchen towel, which then has hot tea poured on it.

Do you need protection for your carpets or upholstery? Get in touch and we’ll be pleased to help.

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