Eco Green Non Toxic Carpet Cleaning

WOW! Need Eco Friendly Carpet Cleaning In Birmingham?

How Would You Like Your Soft Furnishings Cleaned With A British Made Solution Whose Ingredients Are “Green”, Non Toxic And Non Hazardous?

That’s right. Imagine having your carpets, rugs, sofas and upholstery cleaned with bang up to date, ECO-FRIENDLY, bio-degradable ingredients (that are maybe, even more effective than harsh, heavy duty chemicals anyway). Then rinsed “squeaky clean”with just plain water.

This amazing technology allows us to get fantastic cleaning results, whilst leaving your soft furnishings free of harmful chemicals. It’s official, you really can have both a great looking carpet / sofa, that is really good for your health as well.

It’s much more healthy for us cleaners as well as for YOU!

After all, what’s the point of having something cleaned (for health purposes) if you leave a load of dodgy chemicals in the carpets or settees?


You see, British scientists have found a way of cleaning things without using all those harsh chemicals.

They’ve taken advantage of a technology utilising microscopic particles (more about this later. It’s used increasingly in breakthrough medical techniques).

The moment these particles are mixed with water and applied to your furnishings they start working.

They viciously attack anything “Yucky and nasty”…

They actively seek out anything nasty… allergens, smells, dust mite droppings, viruses, dirt, pet dander, yucky chemicals from previous cleans, odour creating bacteria etc.

and Zap them!