Childrens Nursery

Childrens Day Nursery Carpet Cleaning

Nursery Managers — Will Your Nursery Carpets Pass The “White Sock Test“?

If one of your children walked around in white socks — on your nursery carpets — how long would they stay white?

Seriously, how long do you think those socks would actually stay clean and white?

Please, Call us for immediate cleaning attention

0121 285 3210

I first noticed this problem when we were called in to clean a nursery that was about to be closed down by the local council. There had been an outbreak of impetigo and the carpets were absolutely filthy. I remember thinking that I would not let a child of mine anywhere near that establishment.

So just think about this for a minute…

Most nurseries I visit have kids being sick (or worse) on their carpets, on a daily basis.

What happens when a baby or child drops their dummy on to those carpets and then sticks it back into their mouth before your nursery nurses can clean it?

It’s going to come back and bite you.

The Lawyers are lining up to sue you…

It’s like that kid licking the soles of someone’s shoes! Yuck.

If you fancy being sued, it’s a lawyer’s dream.

In this day and age, having dirty carpets in your nursery is likely to get you sued. It’s a sad fact of life that we live in a litigation society. People are looking for someone to blame for everything. Nurseries are in the front line.