Wheeler Piano

Unit 2

Due Friday 9/13

Learning Goal: Playing with both hands on the grand staff

  1. Play Aura Lee
  2. Play your choice of Rock-Along or Mexican Hat Dance
  3. Complete 3 Unit 2 Drills:
    1. https://www.musictheory.net/exercises/note/nmxyryyynyyyyy
    2. https://www.musictheory.net/exercises/note-construction/dgkmxyryyyyybynyyyy
    3. https://www.musictheory.net/exercises/keyboard-reverse/dgkmxyryybnyyyyyy

Unit 3

Due Friday 9/20

Learning Goal: Playing Harmonic and Melodic Intervals with Both Hands

  1. Play Rockin' Intervals
  2. Play your choice of Good King Wenceslas or My Fifth
  3. Complete Unit 3 Drills:

A. Identify Treble Clef Intervals


B. Identify Bass Clef Intervals


C. Construct Treble Clef Intervals


D. Construct Bass Clef Intervals
