Wheeler Middle School Chorus

Welcome, Wheeler Middle School musicians!

This is the place to find resources and assessments.

Join the Wheeler Middle School Chorus Remind: text @haga9e to the number 81010

Opportunities for Remote Learning

While school is out of session, I encourage you to practice and continue growing as a musician! You can email me a recording of yourself singing if you'd like some coaching. Your work during this time is completely voluntary. These opportunities are offered for those who wish. Follow each underlined link below to find resources.

These vocal warm ups will strengthen and develop your voice.

These videos will make you a stronger reader and well-rounded musician.

Sing along with this playlist of American Young Voices music. If it's a song you haven't heard before, then it's a song I hope to teach you when we are back together! Feel free to learn it early. If you'd like sheet music for any song, email me and I will share the PDF with you.

Performance Assessments

Each quarter, students will complete at least 1 recorded performance of our concert repertoire. They are graded using the Performance Rubric. Additionally, the academic expectation of communication will be assessed on the schoolwide rubric, informed by the students' work.

CMEA Middle School Eastern Region Festival

The deadline to register for auditions through Mrs. Bennett is October 18th.

2019 auditions will be held December 7th at William J. Johnston Middle School.

The Festival will take place March 6-7 at Enfield High School. (Snow date following weekend.)

Audition Information

CMEA Student Policies

Audition Materials: Accompaniments, scales, and sight-reading