Working remotely? Here are seven ways to maintain good posture

With the majority of employees working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, beds, nooks, countertops, and other areas at home have been transformed into workstations. It’s easy to fall prey to bad posture, especially when there is no dedicated space for work. Here are seven ways to improve posture, shares massage therapist Caroline Sturken.

It will be a while before things go back to the way they were. Set up a workstation to replicate the work area in an actual office setting. Invest in a desk and chair to not get tempted to work in bed. Stretch regularly. Take mini-breaks during work hours to stretch the neck, shoulders, and back, where the most pain is felt due to poor posture, notes Caroline Sturken.

Pay attention to your posture. There is a good chance that a person begins to slouch after 15 minutes of sitting straight. Listen to your body and know when to walk or stretch. It can be tempting to reach for things without having to get up, especially when at home. Avoid looking down using the neck and use the eyes instead. Tilting the head forward when using a phone or a laptop, and staying in the position for an extended amount of time can cause tension headaches.

Keep important things close to you or within your reach to not strain the muscles when reaching for these, recommends Caroline Sturken. Stay hydrated. Get up and refill the glass. Also, quick breaks that include short walks loosen and strengthen the muscles.

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