Our Board of Trustees/ Te Pōari Matua

Carlton School Board

The Board of Trustees is a crown entity responsible for the governance of schools. A Board is elected every three years by the parents of the school. The principal and an elected staff representative are also members of the Board.

 The governance role means the Board is responsible for ensuring that regulations within the Education Act are complied with. However it is the principal who is responsible for the management of the school and who has responsibility for decision-making and the daily running of the school in all its aspects.

Our BOT Meetings:

Board meetings are held on a Monday in the staffroom (meeting dates are below). These meetings are open to the public, but speaking rights must be requested through the Board Chairperson. 

Our BOT members:

Craig McLaren 

Presiding member

Ben Wright

Parent Representative

Emma Bugden

Parent Representative

Gary Johnston


Jenny Thompson

Staff Representative

BOT Meeting Dates 2024  -  5:30pm in the Carlton Staffroom (Dates to be discussed and finalised at first hui of the year)

Policies and Procedures

Visit the Carlton SchoolDocs Website 

Enter the username (carlton) and password (handsonlearning).

Follow the link to the relevant policy as listed.

Annual Reports & Financial Statements


Office: em: carltonoffice@welearn.school.nz

ph: 06 3450336