Hāpaitia Te Ara Tika Hei Pūmau ai Te Rangatiratanga Mō Ngā Uri Whakatipu

"Foster the pathway of knowledge to strength, independence and growth for future generations"

Nau mai haere mai


We are accepting enrolments at Carlton School. Click on the photo below to use our online enrolment form. Alternatively, you can visit, or contact the school office by phone: 06 3450336.

Ruruku Online - Monday 9.00am

Good luck to all our 2024 Olympians! 

Today, we celebrated our diverse cultures and the beginning of the 2024 Olympic games in Paris. We wish our Olympians all the best. Ki kaha!!


Pūanga Celebration

Thank you whānau

A big thank you to all our whānau that supported our Pūanga celebrations. What a great day with our lovely beginning at dawn and our cultural sand creations at the beach. A great big thank you to all. 

Mauri Tū!

Naumai haeremai

We would like to extend a very warm welcome to all our new learners and their whānau to our school for term 2. We also warmly welcome our new staff and the siblings of our current learners and whānau. 

Ngā Tuākana 2024

Book Character Day

Thank you to all our whānau for making our book character day such a spectacle. The costumes were absolutely amazing!! Mauri Tū. Ngā Mihi 

Great Work

Today we celebrated the efforts of one of our students for their design skills. They designed a flag for the school based upon the things we value the most.

Congratulations Kairākau ( and whānau) for the fantastic effort you put into the design. Mauri Tū!!

Naumai haeremai 

We would like to extend a very warm welcome to all our new learners, new whānau, new staff and the siblings of our current whānau members. Also, a very warm welcome and return to all our whānau. 

Naumai, haeremai, hoki mai. Mauri Ora!! 

Our new whānau to Carlton for 2024. Tū te mana, tū te mauri whānau. Welcome!

2023 Highlights

Class Websites

Carlton 2024 Term Dates

TERM 1 - Wednesday Feb 7 to Friday April 12

TERM 2 - Monday 29 April to Friday 5 July

TERM 3 - Monday 22 July to Friday 27 September 

TERM 4 - Monday 14 October to Friday 20 December 


Office: em: carltonoffice@welearn.school.nz

ph: 06 3450336

Principal: em: gjohnston@welearn.school.nz

ph: 06 3450336

99A Carlton Avenue, Tawhero, Whanganui 4501