Carlo Blasi is currently Emeritus Professor at the Department of Environmental Biology (DEB), Sapienza University of Rome, and Scientific Director of the Interuniversity Research Centre “Biodiversity, Ecosystem services and Sustainability (CIRBISES). 

From 1989 to 2016 he was Full professor of Plant Ecology in the same Department.


As member of the Italian Botanical Society, Blasi is Editor in Chief of the international journal Plant Biosystems (since 2006), President of the Committee for the Promotion of Botanical Research in Italy (since 2003), and President of the Foundation for the Italian Flora (since 2008).


Since 2011, Blasi is appointed member of the National Observatory on Biodiversity. He is also member of the Committee for Public Green Development (since 2015) and of the National Committee for Natural Capital (since 2016), on behalf of the Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea Protection of Italy.


His main research interests fall in the fields of plant ecology, phytosociology, biodiversity conservation, urban ecology and land planning.  Most recent activities focused on land ecological classification, vegetation dynamics, and assessment of environmental quality and state of conservation. They resulted in maps and scientific reports at the national and regional scales, such as “Vegetation of Italy (with the map of vegetation series)”, the Prodrome of the Italian vegetation, the Map of Ecoregions of Italy, and the Flora in Italy.


Blasi is author of over 400 publications, including 240 papers in international journals and 40 book chapters.

Recent research projects funded by national/international organizations include:

·         Red List of Ecosystems (2019-2020), funded by Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea Protection (MATTM). Role: Principal Coordinator.

·         LIFE PonDerat - Restoring the Pontine Archipelago ecosystem through management of rats and other invasive alien species LIFE14 NAT/IT/000544 (2015-2020). Role: Coordinator of DEB team (up to 31.10.2016) and scientific supervisor.

·         PRIN (Project of National Interest) Traditional agricultural landscapes in Italy: defining a multidisciplinary and multiscale model for planning and management (2013-2016), funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research. Role: Coordinator of DEB team.

·         LIFE+11 Fagus – Forests of the Apennines: good practices to conjugate use and sustainability (2012-2016).

·         II-B/2.1/0512 GREAT Med - Generating a Risk and Ecological Analysis Toolkit for the Mediterranean. Funded by ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme, Grant Agreement no. 39/2377 (2013-2015). Role: Principal Coordinator and legal representative.


In the recent past Blasi was member of the National Committee for forecast and prevention of major risks for the environmental and forest fire sectors, on behalf of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (2012-2017); and scientific consultant for the Italian National Committee of the UNESCO MAB-Man and Biosphere programme (2010-2012).

He was also President of FISNA-Italian Federation of Natural and Environmental Sciences (2013-2014); President of FIP-Fédération international de phytosociologie (2009–2013); and President of SISV- Italian Society for Vegetation Science (2005–2013).