

Progetto ENPI MED

n. II-B/2.1/0512

GREAT Med-Generating a Risk and Ecological Analysis Toolkit for the Mediterranean (2013-2015)

Priority and Measure: 2.1. Prevention and reduction of risk factors for the environment and enhancement of natural common heritage.

Partners: Sapienza University of Rome (Dept. of Environmental Biology, Dept. of Astronautical, Electrical and Energy Engineering); Aix-Marseille University - Mediterranean Institute of marine and terrestrial Biodiversity & Ecology (France); University of Sfax - BIOECOS-MA (Tunisia); Lab. Genomic Characterisation of Plants of Saint Joseph University, American University of Beirut, and National Council for Scientific Research(Lebanon)

Case studies: Gulf of Cagliari in Sardinia (Italy), Provence coastal area (France), Gulf of Gabès (Tunisia), Byblos and Beirut coastal areas (Lebanon)

Budget: € 1.936.896 ENPI contribution: € 1.743.013 (90%)

General objective: To contribute to the development of an integrated and interdisciplinary approach for assessing biodiversity and main human pressures (maritime traffic, tourism and urbanisation) in critical coastal areas of the Mediterranean Basin, aimed at conserving and monitoring natural heritage in space and time.

Specific objectives:

A) Create a network of European and Mediterranean Partner institutions & administrations;

B) Develop a toolkit for risk analysis & biodiversity assessment in coastal areas using biodiversity data & models to evaluate vulnerability & management opportunities;

C) Compile and disseminate guidelines & best practices.

Spatial patterns of floristic indicators (a), habitat indicators (b) and overall plant diversity value (c) in the two study sites in the Gulf of Cagliari. (from Carli et al. (2018). DOI:10.1016/j.jnc.2017.11.003)

from Marignani et al. (2017) DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.02.221

from Marignani et al. (2017) DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.02.221