It is now crystal clear that adopting environmentally and socially sustainable models of development is one of the top challenges for the future of humanity.

                              First Report on the State of Natural Capital in Italy 

We welcome you to the official website of prof. Carlo Blasi 

Sapienza University, Rome

Emeritus Professor 

Department of Environmental Biology, Sapienza University of Rome

Scientific Director

Interuniversity Research Center "Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and Sustainability", Sapienza University of Rome


Italian Academy of Forest Sciences 


The Siena Academy of Sciences


Foundation for the Italian Flora (Italian Botanical Society)


Honorary President

The Italian Botanical Society 


Special Commitee of The Superor Council for Public Works, Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport 


Committee for Public Green Development, Ministry of Ecological Transition


National Committee for Natural Capital, Ministry of Ecological Transition


National Observatory on Biodiversity, Ministry of Ecological Transition

Editor in chief

“Plant Biosystems: an international journal dealing with all aspects of Plant Biology”

Honorary President

Italian Society of Vegetation Science



Nature-Based Solutions for a Sustainable Future / International Conference

May 29-30 2024

Auditorium of the National Library, Viale Castro Pretorio 105, Rome

In Presence, On Line


The Carabinieri Corps is organizing in Rome on May 29 and 30, 2024, at the Auditorium of the National Library, the International Conference "The Forest City," with the aim of emphasizing the important role of Forests in the city, understood as a new method of approach to foster urban and human regeneration.

In this perspective, urban forests can contribute to both mitigation and adaptation to climate change, producing beneficial effects on the health and quality of life of citizens, as well as assume a vital and strategic role in urban development policies for building resilient cities.

It is no coincidence that urban forests have been called the "backbone" of the green infrastructure of our cities, enabling them to trace the connection between rural and urban areas, significantly improving their environmental footprint.

These are the issues that will occupy the center of debate at the Conference, which will be attended not only by institutional authorities but also by experts from the scientific field and representatives of international organizations, universities and research centers, as well as environmental educators, civil society and the media.

The International Conference addresses various issues through the interventions of distinguished Italian and international speakers following the ideal path of four symposia and two round tables.


Talk by Prof. Blasi - May 29th 2024, 11-12h, Forests in the city: a new approach for urban and human regeneration


May 20-21 2024

University of Palermo

The National Biodiversity Future Center Forum is born in Palermo, representing the first major scientific event of the National Center for the Future of Biodiversity, where more than 600 researchers, from all over Italy, will discuss sensitive issues such as the redevelopment of degraded areas, nature conservation, the relationship between nature and well-being, and the development of effective tools to prevent biodiversity loss. Lots of young people present who, taking advantage of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, IoT, nano- and biotechnology, robotics and nature-inspired technologies will propose concrete actions to achieve the goals set by EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, namely to protect at least 30 percent of land and marine areas and redevelop 30 percent of altered ecosystems. The Forum is also a scientific diplomacy initiative to nurture the development of constructive and forward-looking relationships for the peoples of the Mediterranean who are divided on a thousand issues but share much of their Biodiversity.

The Forum will also see comparisons with young companies and large Italian companies to promote innovation activities on biodiversity coming from research and capable of generating new products and more sustainable processes. The Palermo days will see the presentation of the Biodiversity Gateway, a gateway and connection dedicated to supporting the design of concrete international scientific and technological collaborations involving the Mediterranean. It will play a key role in generating value from PNRR investments starting with green jobs that already employ more than 3 million people.

The University of Palermo, Arpa, and CNR will be among the promoters of the Palermo Gateway with the NBFC. It will be based at the Roosevelt, destined to become a major multipurpose hub for science in Palermo. It will house cutting-edge research ranging from the protection of the Mediterranean to the search, thanks to biodiversity, for bioactive compounds that could become new foods, cosmetics and medicine.


April 15th 2024, 9h

Chamber of Commerce Frosinone Latina, The Hall "Mario Papetti," Viale Roma


The event organized by I.I.S Luigi Angeloni, in collaboration with the Frosinone Latina Chamber of Commerce and the Environmental League, will be held on April 15.

Moderator: Marina Testa, journalist

At 10:40h speech by Prof. Carlo Blasi "Protecting biodiversity for the well-being of citizens"



April 12th 2024, 10h

Via dei Monti della Farnesina 77, Rome


"The Hearts of Rome" conference, a major event to be held on April 12, 2024 at Officine Farneto in Rome. This important day, dedicated to the enhancement of RomaNatura's system of protected natural areas aims to explore their crucial role in protecting biodiversity and promoting the well-being of citizens.

The conference openes at 10 a.m. by RomaNatura's Extraordinary Commissioner Marco Visconti, followed by greetings from prestigious institutional figures such as Claudio Barbaro, Giancarlo Righini, Sabrina Alfonsi and Vito Consoli. The conference will be divided into two main sessions, enriched by talks by experts in the field, including Carlo Blasi, Luigi Boitani, Valeria Salvatori and many others.

The first session, coordinated by Giuseppe Bombino, will provide an overview of topics such as biodiversity, ecosystem services and sustainability. After a lunch break, the second session will resume with further insights and discussions.

The conference is a unique opportunity for academics, researchers, policy makers and all those interested in environmental conservation and the quality of urban life to discuss and collaborate toward a greener and more sustainable future for the city of Rome.

The Admission is free  



Biodiversity and protected areas for climate crisis mitigation and adaptation

April 11th 2024, 15-19h

Botanical Garden of Rome, Largo Cristina di Svezia 23, Rome


Scheduled for Thursday, April 11, is the second thematic workshop organized as part of the public consultation on the Roma Capitale Climate Adaptation Strategy.

From 3 to 7 p.m. at the Botanical Garden, "Biodiversity and protected areas for mitigation and adaptation to the climate crisis" will be discussed. 

For registration, write to

The talks will be coordinated by Edoardo Zanchini, director of the Rome The Capital Climate Office.



January 23rd 2024, 10-13h

Piazza del Campidoglio, Protomoteca Hall, Rome


Rome's journey to adopt planning tools that aim to adapt to climate change continues.

At the Jan. 23, 2024 conference, the proposed first Rome Capital Climate Adaptation Strategy - with climate scenarios and spatial risks, priorities for action, targets and measures-will be presented, and will be the start of the public discussion and consultation process on the document.

The proposed Strategy can be downloaded here.

"Biodiversity of the Roman territory"

Carlo Blasi, Director CIRBISES Interuniversity research center "Biodiversity, ecosystem services and sustainability," Sapienza University of Rome


Rome is the first city in Italy to adopt a full-fledged climate adaptation strategy to secure the territory from the impacts expected by 2050 and with interventions to be implemented as early as 2030.

In fact, the document just voted by the Capitoline Council was presented in the Sala della Protomoteca in Campidoglio. During the meeting, Mayor Roberto Gualtieri and Councillors for the Environment, Sabrina Alfonsi, for Urban Planning, Maurizio Veloccia and for Public Works, Ornella Segnalini, as well as researchers who participated in the elaboration of the Strategy, whose work was coordinated by the Director of the Climate Office of Roma Capitale, Edoardo Zanchini, spoke.

A wide-ranging public consultation on the Strategy proposal will be opened immediately through 7 appointments including thematic conferences and workshops, tables with stakeholders and relevant institutions (Ministry of Environment, Region and Metropolitan City) and comments from citizens. The participatory process will last until April 30 and will conclude with a vote of the Capitoline Assembly.

The fight against the climate emergency passes through two main objectives, that of "mitigation," to reduce emissions, and that defined as "adaptation" to the impacts already underway. Rome, which was chosen by the European Commission as one of the 100 cities in the Mission "Carbon-neutral and smart cities by 2030" and which is part of the C40 "Reinventing Cities" networks committed to combating climate change also with urban regeneration plans, is doing its part.

With respect to mitigation, the Capitol Assembly last November approved its own Climate Plan to reduce Co2 emissions; a plan that aims to reduce them by 66.3 percent by 2030 to contribute to the Paris Agreement's goal of limiting the average global temperature increase below 1.5 degrees by this century. 



November 24th 2023, 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Capitoline Museums, Protomoteca Hall, Rome


A day of discussion and study to take stock of the state of Rome's green heritage, the interventions put in place and the future prospects for its enhancement and regeneration in the context of the environmental challenges facing the city.

They will be held on Friday, November 24, from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 30 at the Hall of the Protomoteca of the Capitol the "States General of Green" organized by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Waste Cycle of Rome Capital in collaboration with the Metropolitan City, the Council for Research in Agriculture and Analysis of Agricultural Economics (CREA), the Carabinieri's Forestry, Environmental and Agri-food Units Command (CUFAA), the Order of Agronomists and Foresters of Rome and Province (ODAF) and the College of Agrotechnicians of Rome, Rieti and Viterbo.

Rome's Councillor for Agriculture, Environment and Waste Cycle Sabrina Alfonsi will open the proceedings by taking stock of the interventions carried out in this two-year period since the beginning of her mandate, from the care of the city's immense green heritage with pruning, endotherapy treatments on pines attacked by the cochineal parasite and the securing and replacement of trees in parks and streets. 

Of particular relevance are the urban forestation plans envisaged thanks to the calls financed by the PNRR to which are added those that will be implemented with the funds of the Climate Decree and the microforestation interventions in all municipalities of the Forest for Rome project.

Forestations and their essential function among the actions aimed at countering the effect of climate change will be the subject of a specific discussion within the work of the States General, which will also cover issues related to the supply of trees necessary for the regeneration of the urban tree stock and the identification of the most suitable species. The general frame of reference is the goals set by Europe to achieve climate neutrality by 2030 for which Rome has been selected among the 9 Italian cities to pioneer. Crucial in this challenge are the measures of Rome's Climate Adaptation Plan and the objectives of the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan recently approved by the Capitoline Assembly, which includes urban forestation among the four key pillars for the containment of pollutant emissions envisaged by the Paris Agreement to halt the increase in global warming by 1.5 degrees.

10:00 -12:00h Biodiversity and urban greenery in the changing climate

Carlo Blasi Director CIRBISES Interuniversity research center "Biodiversity, ecosystem services and sustainability," Sapienza University of Rome

16.00-17.30 The Natural and Cultural Capital of the City: urban green between protection, enhancement and safety 

Giulia Capotorti Department of Environmental Biology, Sapienza University of Rome

Laura Zavattero CIRBISES Interuniversity research center "Biodiversity, ecosystem services and sustainability," Sapienza University of Rome



21 Novembre 2023, 10-13h

Cavour Hall, Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry

Via XX Settembre 20, Rome


On the occasion of National Tree Day Prof. Carlo Blasi, Professor Emeritus of Plant Ecology at the University of Studies "La Sapienza" and member of the Committee for the Promotion of Public Green, will speak with the following communication: The Centrality of Urban Green for the Future of Cities at 10.55 - 11.10 hrs.


8th Novembre 2023, 10h

University of Sapienza, Ex biblioteca DiAP

Piazza Borghese 9, Rome


On Wednesday, Nov. 8, Carlo Blasi will give a lecture entitled Restoration ecology, restoration law and urban forestry. The event will take place at 10 a.m., in the former DiAP library in Piazza Borghese 9, and is organized by the PhD in Landscape and Environment.

The Green Deal places the return of nature to our lives at the center of the sustainable future. To achieve this, it is necessary to understand the meaning of restoration ecology, since it is not about restoring nature, but about making degraded ecosystems resilient again. In this context, we discuss the goals of restoration law, which, in line with the conclusion of CBD COP 15, highlight the need to always include biodiversity in planning and, in particular, in urban planning.The NRP funding to implement significant examples of urban forestation in metropolitan cities is in line with this goal and thus offers a significant example for both biodiversity protection and climate change mitigation and adaptation.


INTRODUCTION AND WELCOME TO THE DOCTORANDS OF THE 39th CYCLE - Lucina Caravaggi, Coordinator of the Doctoral Program in Landscape and Environment 

LECTURE - Carlo Blasi, Scientific Director of the Interuniversity Research Center "Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and Sustainability" (CIRBISES), Department of Environmental Biology, Sapienza University of Rome and President of the FOUNDATION FOR ITALIAN FLORA

118th Congress of the Italian Botanical Society 


September 13 - 16, 2023

San Rossore Estate, Pisa


We are pleased to invite you to the 118th Congress of the Italian Botanical Society (IX INTERNATIONAL PLANT SCIENCE CONFERENCE) to be held in Pisa from September 13 to 16, 2023. The Congress, which will host distinguished international speakers who are experts in various fields of botany, will be held in the facilities of the San Rossore 1938 Polo Didattico in downtown Pisa.

This year we have introduced several new features, aimed at ensuring cross-representation of all the cultural areas that characterize our great Society and at making the most of the posters. There will be 6 symposia in English, organized on macro-themes, and one symposium in Italian on Friday afternoon, which will have as its theme the History of Italian Botany. There will also be two symposia of short oral poster presentations (each with 4 parallel sessions). For both the 6 symposia and the oral poster presentations, 42 keywords have been provided (6-8 per macrotopic), in which everyone can find their research represented.

The posters (a single slide) should be in horizontal format and should no longer be printed, but provided electronically with adequate advance notice, as they will be projected during their short oral presentation, as well as uploaded to large screens on which they will be shown on a continuous loop in the common space of the congress venue. 

Therefore, everyone will present orally, in English, the main results of their research, through short and concise concepts for posters, more extensively in the contributions that will be selected as oral communications.

We hope that this new conference mode will become stimulating for all and promote positive interactions, cross-cutting senior scientists, students, PhD students and post-docs working in botany. As has been the tradition for some years now, scholarships will be announced for students and young researchers.

The official language of the Congress will be English, except for the last symposium on Friday afternoon, while on Saturday morning there will be a post-congress excursion to the San Rossore Estate.


BOTNICAL GARDENS IN FEAST: The 250th anniversary of the Botanical Garden of Pavia

September 20 - 24, 2023

University of Pavia, Botanical Garden of Pavia


The celebratory events of Sept. 22-24, 2023, represent the scientific moments par excellence in the program of "ORTO in festa" events dedicated to the 250th Anniversary of the Botanical Garden of Pavia, as part of which current environmental issues or otherwise with relevant repercussions on daily living will be explored.

September 22 is the day of the Conference in the Aula Magna, which will consist of two sessions.

The morning session will be dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the Botanical Garden of Pavia and Botanical Gardens in Italy, with presentation of the restoration project funded by the PNRR. The directors of the Botanical Gardens of Bergamo, Brera, Padua and Vienna will also speak.

The afternoon session, in collaboration with NBFC (National Biodiversity Future Center) - CN5 National Champion 5 PNRR (Center), will be dedicated to the theme of urban biodiversity with special reference to the Bicocca University projects, the Forestami project, the Italian metropolitan cities reforestation project, and the biodiversity and well-being project. Paul Smith of BGCI (Botanical Gardens Conservation International) will also speak.

Presentation by Prof.Blasi Sept. 22, AULA MAGNA University of Pavia, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 12

15:30 Carlo Blasi (Sapienza University of Rome) The PNRR project for urban and peri-urban reforestation of metropolitan cities for the future of cities


Università di Roma Tre, Facoltà di Architettura, Aula Moretti

Largo Giovanni Battista Marzi 10, Rome

6 - 7 Giugno 2023 


The Carabinieri Corps is organizing the international conference "The Forest factor" in Rome on June 6 and 7, 2023, at the University of Roma Tre, with the aim of emphasizing the protection of forests as an indispensable element in the fight against climate change and their vital importance for biodiversity, carbon, water and energy cycles on a planetary scale.

The UN defines forests as "the best cost-benefit solution to combat climate change," signaling the grave danger posed by deforestation and desertification.

Indeed, Goal 15 of the 2030 Agenda emphasizes the critical role played by forests, in which 662 billion tons of carbon are stored, which are the habitat for more than 80 percent of all terrestrial species of plants and animals, and on which about 1.6 billion people depend.

In this context, strengthening national forest authorities and measures to combat illegal logging and wildlife trade is important.

The Conference will be attended not only by institutional authorities, but also by scientific experts and representatives of international organizations, universities and research centers, environmental educators, civil society and the media.

The Conference will address various issues through the speeches of distinguished Italian and international speakers.


Università di Roma Tre, Facoltà di Architettura, Aula Moretti

Largo Giovanni Battista Marzi 10, Rome

26 May 2023, 14:00-18:00 


Prof. Blasi's talk "Urban Forestry for the Return of Nature to the City" starts at 4:25 pm.

Conference at Festival of Sustainable Development 2023

GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE IN THE GALERIA VALLEY: Strategies, cognitive tools and planning of the Metropolitan City of Roma Capitale

Via IV Novembre 119/A, Palazzo Valentini, Luigi Di Liegro Room, Rome 

May 29, 2023, 10:00-14:00


The Metropolitan City of Rome has initiated with the approval of the Metropolitan Strategic Plan the strategic design of policies of sustainable development and territorial regeneration, consistent with the SDGs of the SNSvS. The Plan, divided into three priority Axes: Innovation, Sustainability and Inclusion, focuses on issues related to mitigation and adaptation to climate change and the enhancement biodiversity and ecosystem services through strengthening of green infrastructure, ecological networks and forestation actions. In this context, the Galeria Valley study area represents a good example for the implementation of green infrastructure capable of address the main environmental, social and economic challenges of a large vast portion of the metropolitan territory. The meeting aims to present the main findings on green infrastructure of the Galeria Valley aimed at the conservation of biodiversity, the improvement of ecological connectivity, the containment of the consumption of soil and the enhancement of the traditional agricultural landscape and the cultural and landscape heritage, with particular attention to the food and agricultural system and initiate an initial reflection on the steps next steps to be taken to implement indispensable planning for a sustainable future of the area.

Conference at Festival of Sustainable Development 2023


May 17th, 2023. Botanical Garden of Rome


The European Green Deal, the Next Generation EU and the European Biodiversity Strategy place the return of nature to our lives and, in particular, to cities, at the center of restoration ecology. The National Plan of of of the Energy Security, has funded a measure dedicated to urban orestoration in the 14 Metropolitan Cities. This meeting aims to illustrate a new reforestation model, based on the planting of certified native trees and shrubs, as called for in the National Public Green Strategy and also currently reported in the European Commission's Guidelines on Biodiversity-friendly Afforestation, Reforestation and Tree Planting (March 2023). In particular, the measure operationalizes the request of the scientific and technical world to plant "the right tree in the right place," that is, the tree consistent with the local potential vegetation. This NRP measure, which envisages the planting of as many as 6.6 million trees and shrubs, is also complemented by all useful initiatives to boost both public and private forest nurseries and actions and interventions consistent with ecological processes and natural system dynamics (Nature-based Solutions - NBS).

Italian Federation of Nature and Environmental Sciences' (FISNA) SEMINARS 2022/20023

March 22, 2023.

Prof. Blasi - "From Next Generation EU and PNRR for the recovery of Natural Capital and the return of the Nature to the City"

The Federation has set up a first Cycle of Seminars on the most topical issues in Natural and Environmental Sciences such as climate change, biodiversity conservation, wildlife and flora in cities, alien and invasive species, pathogenic and toxic species in waters, fisheries and aquaculture, human evolution and paleoenvironments, Next Generation EU and PNRR applied to our field.

The Seminars are intended for young students and teachers in High Schools, university students and graduate schools in general, experts and enthusiasts of environmental issues, and will be held fortnightly throughout 2022 and 2023. Speakers have been proposed by the Confederated National Societies on behalf of which they will present specific topics and new projects underway.

Participation in the Seminars is set up online on the GoTo Webinar platform and is free of charge. Attendance is welcomed and free online registration is required.

Talk by Prof. Blasi 

MARCH 22, 2023 - 6 p.m.

Carlo Blasi - Interuniversity Research Center "Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and Sustainability" Sapienza University, Rome. Former President of FISNA

From Next Generation EU and PNRR for the recovery of Natural Capital and the return of the Nature to the City

Climate: the challenges of adaptation in the city of Rome

First conference toward urban climate adaptation plan

Adapting cities to a climate that has already changed and is likely to become warmer and more uncertain is one of the most important challenges of the coming years. In the City of Rome intensity and frequency of floods, droughts and heat waves have increased in recent years. Climate is one of the capital cityʼs administration priorities both on the mitigation side - with the European Commissionʼs selection in Mission 100 Climate-neutral and smart cities 2030 - and on the adaptation of the territory to the impacts of climate change. During the meeting, a presentation will be made on the path the municipality intends to take in preparing the cityʼs climate adaptation of the city and will be an opportunity to open discussions on ongoing projects and priorities for action with research organizations and institutions.


Talk by Prof. Blasi - "From the PNRR more nature in the metropolitan area of Rome for the well-being of citizens and mitigation of the climate crisis"

January 18, 2023 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Hall of the Protomoteca - Capitol Square


The role of protected areas for the protection and valorisation of Italy

January 12th, 2023, Sala Capranichetta, Piazza Montecitorio, Rome 

Meeting sponsored by Marevivo and WWF Italy on the role of protected areas for the protection and enhancement of Italy

Along with the presidents of Marevivo and WWF, Rosalba Giugni and Luciano Di Tizio, the Minister of the Environment and Energy Security, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, will open the proceedings. Scheduled to speak in the morning are Minister of Civil Protection and Sea Policies, Nello Musumeci, and Senate Agriculture and Tourism Committee Chairman Luca De Carlo. A meeting organized by Marevivo and WWF Italy "Valore Natura" will be held Thursday, Jan. 12, in Rome at the Sala Capranichetta in Piazza Montecitorio.

The meeting will be opened at 9:30 a.m. by the national presidents of Marevivo and WWF Italy, Rosalba Giugni and Luciano Di Tizio, and the Minister of Environment and Energy Security, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin. The morning session will be dedicated to Marine Protected Areas, with an emblematic title ("Getting out of the B series"), during which several directors of Marine Protected Areas will speak.

The second session (coordinated by Green & Blue Director Riccardo Luna and starting at 12 noon), during which the survey on Italians' perception and level of knowledge about protected areas (illustrated by Fabrizio Masia, Managing Director and Partner EMG Different) will be presented, is dedicated to the 30X30 challenge (30 percent of protected areas by 2030 envisaged by the European Biodiversity Strategy) and will see the participation of Nello Musumeci, Minister of Civil Protection and Sea Policies, and Luca De Carlo, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Tourism.

In the afternoon session ("Stronger Parks to Protect Natural Capital")-which will feature, among others, speeches by authoritative representatives of the Carabinieri Forestali and Federparchi-will be presented the inter-association proposal for an immediate change from the governance of national parks and the WWF study on areas where to extend protection to 30 percent of our land and sea. Scheduled, finally, speeches by CAI, Legambiente, LIPU, AIGAE, Worldrise Onlus.

The conclusions (5:30 p.m.) are entrusted to the presidents of Marevivo and WWF Italy.

Intervento del Prof. Blasi - “Un diverso approccio alla tutela naturalistica su aree vaste non ricomprese nei parchi”



Il manifesto RI-VI-VAFOR per la valorizzazione del settore


15 dicembre 2022 ore 9.30-13.30, Sala Cavour Ministero dell'Agricoltura, della Sovranità Alimentare e delle Foreste

Via XX Settembre, 20, Roma 


Moderator of the meeting Giustino Mezzalira Veneto Agricoltura - Veneto Region.

The event is public and will be held in-person for those participating in the discussion and online for all those who wish to listen by sending registration request via email to 


Fabio Salbitano University of Florence

Lorenzo Camoriano, Piedmont Region, Francesco Contu, Abruzzo Region, Alberto Masci Sardinia Region, Antonio Valisena Basilicata Region

Alberto Maltoni, University of Florence and Cristina Monteverdi, CREA Council for Research in Agriculture and Analysis of Agricultural Economics

Andrea Piotti, IBBR-CNR and Carlo Calfapietra, CNR-IRET, CNR-NFBC

Enrico Allasia, Confagricoltura

Francesco Ferrini, President of the Pistoia Nursery District

Carlo Blasi, CIRBISES Interuniversity Center for Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and Sustainability

Gen. Raffaele Manicone, Carabinieri Biodiversity Regiment

Maria Carmela Giarratano, Head of the Department of General Administration, Planning and Natural Heritage (DiAG)

Agraria. Nature in the City

Urban forests and green infrastructure for environmental and human protection

Training seminary

21 November, 16:30h, Seminar Room Department of Agriculture - Feo di Vito Location, University “Mediterranea” Reggio Calabria

The seminar is aimed at integrating the didactic and training path of both the students of the Three-year and Master's degree courses in Forestry and Environmental Sciences and the graduates attending the Doctorate and Master's courses active at the Department of Agriculture. On the other hand, the relevance and topicality of the subject matter is part of the training and refresher initiatives aimed at Professionals in the sector, on which there is an active collaboration between the Department of Agriculture of the 'Mediterranea' University and the Regional Federation of Agronomy and Forestry Doctors of Calabria.

The seminar's central lecture will be delivered by Prof. Carlo Blasi, Professor Emeritus of Plant Ecology at the University of Rome 'La Sapienza' and member of the working group for the planning and implementation of the PNRR on urban forestation, which, among other things, constitutes an 'accompanying measure' for the ecological transition.

On these aspects, moreover, there is a direct involvement of the Department of Agriculture, which supports, from a technical-scientific point of view, the planning and monitoring activities of various urban, peri-urban and extra-urban forestation projects in the metropolitan city area, one of which is currently being carried out on the very hill where the Department is located.

Symposium "New types of Agriculture"

Landscapes of Maccarese - co-evolution of environments and productions

November 15/16 - November 29/30, 2022; Castello San Giorgio, Viale Maria 3, Maccarese Fiumicino (Rome)

On Tuesday, November 15 and Wednesday, November 16, 2022 at 9:30 a.m., the first two seminars of the "New Species of Agriculture" series of meetings will be held at Castello San Giorgio in Maccarese Fiumicino (RM). The seminars, promoted by Sapienza University's Landscape and Environment PhD, the Benetton studi ricerche Foundation, and Maccarese spa, will focus on the theme of overcoming the traditional "separation" between naturalness and productivity as delivered to us by the past. The Maccarese estate is an ideal laboratory for envisioning sustainable renewal and new contemporary landscapes: an "extraordinary evolutionary product" capable of relating the profound transformations of the past to what appear to be equally radical future transformations, against the backdrop of ongoing changes.

Nov. 15, 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. 

Intervento di Carlo Blasi, Direttore scientifico del Centro Interuniversitario “Biodiversità, Servizi Ecosistemici e Sostenibilità” (CIRBISES)

The objective of the first day is to focus on questions, expectations and problems specific to the Maccarese area and at the same time emblematic with respect to the evolution of contemporary agricultural territories. The guests, linked in different ways to the territory, will initiate the reflection on Maccarese through observation points-hitherto traditionally disjointed: climatic and environmental dynamics, agrarian productivity, social sharing, ecological transition by understanding landscape as the complex (and "guided") resultant of these different forces, which make Maccarese an emblematic case of planning reflection.

Conference "Trees: Lymph of the City"

Faculty of Architecture, Reggio Calabria, Great Hall "Antonio Quistelli" and classroom "Ludovico Quaroni" (Live and Online) 

Monday, Novembre 21

As part of the national environmental education project "A Tree for the Future," all peripheral structures of the Carabinieri Corps' Forest, Environmental and Agri-food Units Command will organize, with the collaboration of local authorities, schoolchildren and associations, a widespread planting, in 1,000 locations throughout the country, of more than 5,000 native forest plants made available by the Carabinieri Biodiversity Regiment. Each specimen will be accompanied by a band with its QR code necessary for geolocation and subsequent insermination on the portal

Tuesday, Novembre 22

The Carabinieri Corps Forestry, Environmental and Agri-food Units Command, in collaboration with Metropolitan cities and other regional capitals, will plant native plants and install furniture in degraded or abandoned suburban areas within the urban environment. The benches, tables and bulletin boards were made by CUFA workers from timber from trees that died of natural causes within State Nature Reserves.

Conference "Trees: Lymph of the City"

Talk by Prof. Carlo Blasi "Urban forests: reconstructing natural environments" at 10:45 a.m.

Publication of the Proceedings of the First Study Day 

"Vegetation in Italy: New knowledge and its dissemination" 

It is with great pleasure that we e announce the publication of the Proceedings of the First Study Day "Vegetation in Italy: New knowledge and its dissemination". The First Study day was held as part of the scientific meetings of the Working Groups and Regional Sections of the Italian Botanical Society onlus, organized by the Vegetation Group in collaboration with The Italian Flora Foundation. The meeting was held february 2021 at Sapienza University of Rome.

Video of the Simposium by The Italian Botanical Society 

10 septembre 2022, University of Bologna

0:00 Inizio del Simposio

2:14 Introduzione al Simposio

8:21 Giovanni Molari, Magnifico Rettore Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna

16:47 Antonio Pietro Marzo, Generale C.A. Comandante delle Unità Forestali, Ambientali e Agroalimentari dell Arma dei Carabinieri

25:54 Marco Marchetti, Presidente Fondazione AlberItalia

33:39 Giovanni Maria Flick, Presidente Emerito della Corte Costituzionale - "Il significato culturale, storico e ambientale dell'inserimento di biodiversità ed ecosistemi nella Costituzione Italiana"

1:05:33 Alessandro Chiarucci, Presidente Società Botanica Italiana

1:12:42 Enrico Giovannini, Ministro delle Infrastrutture e della Mobilità Sostenibili, Portavoce dell'Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (ASviS)

1:21:32 Carlo Blasi, Presidente Fondazione per la Flora Italiana - Sintesi dei contributi e presentazione della Sessione

1:41:54 Paolo D'Aprile, Capo Dipartimento Unità di Missione per il PNRR, Ministero della Transizione Ecologica

1:55:33 Maria Carmela Giarratano, Capo Dipartimento amministrazione generale pianificazione e patrimonio naturale, Ministero della Transizione Ecologica

2:18:30 Alessandra Stefani, Direttrice Generale, Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali - "Vivaismo forestale al servizio della Biodiversità e del Capitale Naturale"

2:37:40 Nada Forbici, Presidente Assofloro, Coordinatore Consulta Nazionale Florovivaismo Coldiretti - "La produzione vivaistica forestale italiana, tra necessità e rilancio. Il ruolo dei vivai privati"

2:47:04 Massimo Labra, Coordinatore scientifico spoke 'Urban Biodiversity' del Centro Nazionale per la Biodiversità - "Biodiversità funzionale della città: la sfida del Centro Nazionale del MUR"

2:58:58 Emanuela Medda, Centro di riferimento per le Scienze comportamentali e la Salute mentale, Istituto Superiore di Sanità - "Aree verdi, resilienza e salute mentale: evidenze sperimentali ed epidemiologiche"

3:18:23 Consolata Siniscalco - "Torino città verde: l'evoluzione degli ultimi anni"

3:30:56 Lina Podda - "Programmare la sostenibilità delle città del futuro: l'esempio del progetto sul verde pubblico del comune di Assemini (Cagliari)"

3:36:48 Rodolfo Gentili - "Flora e vegetazione di aree marginali o degradate da recuperare nel Comune di Milano"

3:45:20 Silvia Paola Assini - "Il verde urbano e periurbano nelle ricerche dell'Università di Pavia: passato, presente e futuro"

3:54:47 Giuseppe Venturella - "Più natura in città: casi studio in Puglia e Sicilia"

4:06:20 Laura Zavattero - "Scienza della vegetazione applicata alla forestazione urbana e periurbana della Città metropolitana di Roma capitale"

4:17:11 Antonella Canini - "Piante autoctone per la rigenerazione sostenibile degli ecosistemi urbani"

4:24:27 Carmelo Maria Musarella - Naturali, sostenibili e... botaniche: le buone pratiche nella pianificazione di interventi naturalistici nella Città Metropolitana di Reggio Calabria

4:35:14 Sara Landi - "Sviluppo di protocolli per quantificare i servizi ecosistemici delle foreste urbane"

4:42:19 Ringraziamenti

4:44:29 Carlo Blasi - "Conclusioni e linee programmatiche per il futuro"

VIII International Plant Science Conference by Italian Botanical Society 

7-10 septembre 2022, University of Bologna

Symposium “More Nature within Urban Ecosystems for a sustainable and resilient Future of Cities”

Organized by The Foundation for the Italian Flora

10 septembre 2022

The 117th Congress of the Italian Botanical Society (VIII International Plant Science Conference) will be held in Bologna from 7 to 10 septembre 2022. The Congress, which will host renowned international speakers who are experts in various fields of botany, will be held in the facilities of the Alma Mater, Bologna Campus. It will also be possible to participate in the Congress remotely, but those who register for participation only online will not be able to present either abstracts or posters. 

We hope that the 117th Congress of the Italian Botanical Society will be an important opportunity for scientific exchange that will cross-culturally involve senior scientists, young researchers, PhD students and post-docs who work on the proposed topics.

Scholarships will be announced for students and young researchers.

The official language of the Congress will be English, except for post-congress events. 

* * *

On September 10, a symposium "More Nature in Urban Ecosystems for the Sustainable and Resilient Future of Cities", organized by The Foundation for the Italian Flora, will be held in Bologna to conclude the 117th Congress of the Italian Botanical Society, and to highlight and discuss the importance of planting the right tree in the right place in urban areas and bringing Nature back to the City.This is the central theme of the European Green Deal well highlighted in the current European Biodiversity Strategy 2030, the Green Infrastructure Strategy and the PNRR's Ecological Transition Goals. These are the cities that will be home to increasing numbers of citizens in the near future under environmental conditions that do not improve well-being and quality of life.

Coordinator: prof. Carlo Blasi

SapienzAmbiente: Sapienza University celebrates the entry of biodiversity protection into the Italian Constitution  

Great Hall of the Rectorate, 8 May 2022, 10.00h

11.30 Research, Education, Stakeholders

coordinator: Prof. Carlo Blasi, CIRBISES

Video of the Botanical Garden, Maria Maddalena Altamura, Sapienza


Conservation of the biodiversity and terrestrial ecosystems, Carlo Rondinini, Sapienza

Conservation of the biodiversity in urban systems, Giulia Capotorti, Sapienza

Circularity and environmental sustainability in the recovery of degraded systems, Marco Petrangeli Papini, Sapienza


Paolo Grossi, managing director of Eni Rewind

Umberto Lebruto, managing director of FS Sistemi urbani 

XIII Congress of The Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology


from New Green Deal to Farm to Fork Strategy

Orvieto (TR), May 30th - June 2nd 2022 

Carlo Blasi - Professor Emeritus of Plant Ecology, Sapienza University of Rome

Session: Plenary Session 02 - Trees-Forests-Mitigation

Time: 08:30 - 10:30

Collocation: c13.2.1

Location: Sala dei 400 

Tuesday May 31st

The Fondation for the Italian Flora with 

AISF, AISSA, SBI, SISEF, SISV, SITE e UZI organizes the event

Sala Aranciera - Botanical Garden Museum, L.go Cristina si Svezia, 23 - ROMA

November 29, 2019

V Edition - General states of Green Public Spaces

Committee for the development of Public Green Spaces and Ministry of the Environment for the protection of the Territory and the Sea

In order to stimulate discussion and debate, but also active policies on the territory, on the occasion of the National Tree Day on November 21st, the General States of Green Public 2019 were launched - now in their fifth edition - organized in 6 half-days scheduled between Rome (20 afternoon), Bologna (20 afternoon), Turin (21 morning), Milan (21 afternoon), Lecce (21 afternoon) and Venice (22 morning). Each event deals with an aspect linked to green infrastructures and urban forests and represents an opportunity of comparison between the technical and institutional world, to converge towards a greater integration of green areas in territorial urban planning and towards nature-based solutions for more resilient cities. (ISPRA website).

The Consortium of the Garden of the Apennine Flora in Capracotta and the Foundation for the Italian Flora organize

55 years of the Garden of the Apennine Flora in Capracotta 

On October 25-26 the Garden celebrates 55 years from its foundation. The Garden is a botanical garden for in-situ conservation and is one of the highest in altitude in Italy, being located at 1550 m a.s.l. It was conceived by Prof. Valerio Giacomini, a great supporter of active conservation, and realised by Paolo Pizzolongo (University of Naples). The garden’s logo represents Acer lobelii, which the Italian Botanical Society chose as symbol of Molise in 2018. The Consortium formed by the Town Council of Capracotta, the University of Molise and the Molise Region is responsible for management. 

70° FLORMART - International exhibition of horticulture landscape architecture and green infrastructures

Conventions and Meetings

Workshop organized by Comitato per lo sviluppo del verde pubblico on invasive species

Padova - September 27, 2019

XXIX  S.It.E. Congress

Italian Society of Ecology

“Natural capital: Management for Conservation”


Ferrara, September 10-12 2019

Department of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Via L.Borsari, 46, Ferrara

A convivial outdoor event in the splendid setting of Piazza Borghese to talk about landscape to which is dedicated the third edition of Rome how are you?, an initiative for citizens programmed by the Department of Architecture and Design of Sapienza University of Rome

Wednesday 3 July 8.00 p.m.

8 maggio 2019Sala degli Atti parlamentari 
Biblioteca del Senato“Giovanni Spadolini”Piazza della Minerva 38Roma 

Convegno “Il verde nelle città” 

Strategia nazionale del verde urbano

12 aprile 2019, 15.30h, Salone Comunale, Piazza Saffi, 8, Forlì 

Convegno "Verso il Piano del Verde"

Strumento strategico per una migliore qualità ambientale della città ed un maggiore benessere dei suoi cittadini

La qualità urbana si definisce grazie a diversi e complessi elementi, tra loro integrati, ma rispondenti ad alcuni principi cardine, a grandi riferimenti di pianificazione e progettuali che motivano le scelte di trasformazione sostenibile della città. Uno di questi riferimenti è senz'altro quello ambientale, misurabile nella città secondo diversi indicatori tra cui, di particolare rilievo per la qualità della vita quotidiana, quello relativo ai servizi ecosistemici erogati ed offerti dal verde urbano.

Sala del Giudizio, Museo della Città Via Tonini,1 Rimini 

Aula Giacomini ore 9:00

La Fondazione per la Flora Italiana dedica il prossimo 7 dicembre ad una Giornata di Studio “La Flora in Italia: stato delle conoscenze, nuove frontiere, divulgazione”

In apertura sarà presentato il volume La flora in Italia di Carlo Blasi e Edoardo Biondi.

Seguiranno numerosi interventi per ricordare le opere a scala nazionale e dare spazio in particolare alle tante flore e checklist di interesse locale e regionale pubblicate negli ultimi 10 anni. 

Available for download in pdf format: Works presented at The Study Day

Il Forum Mondiale sulle Foreste Urbane si propone di cambiare la natura delle città attraverso il ruolo della selvicoltura urbana per un futuro più verde, sano e felice per tutti.

Mantova 28 novembre - 1 dicembre 2018

Side event di giovedì 29 novembre : Le foreste urbane nella Strategia Nazionale del Verde Urbano

Comitato per lo Sviluppo del Verde Pubblico - Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare

La Strategia Nazionale del Verde Urbano si basa su tre elementi essenziali: 1) passare da mq a ettari quando si pianifica e si progetta il verde urbano e periurbano, 2) ridurre le superficie asfaltate, 3) adottare le foreste urbane come riferimento strutturale e funzionale del verde urbano. Tutto ciò perché solo la foresta urbana, in quanto sistema complesso dotato di eterogeneità interna, è in grado di includere gli tutti elementi del verde urbano. La Strategia nazionale prevede il coinvolgimento di stakeholder e di competenze necessariamente multidisciplinari per sviluppare idonee policy e indirizzare verso piani e progetti basati su servizi ecosistemici e su reti di infrastrutture verdi definite al fine del raggiungimento di precisi obiettivi di ordine sociale, ambientale, economico e occupazionale.

L'evento è articolato in 4 temi: Verde urbano e cittadinanza attiva (Napoli); Alberate e infrastrutture lineari (Roma); Territori e best practices (Padova); Alberi e sistema produttivo, connubio plurale (Venezia).

Il IV Congresso Nazionale di Selvicoltura si svolgerà a Torino dal 5 al 9 novembre 2018. È organizzato dall’Accademia Italiana di Scienze Forestali con la collaborazione della Regione Piemonte, dell’Università degli Studi di Torino e l’adesione delle più importanti istituzioni accademiche e scientifiche italiane, del mondo ambientalista e naturalista, delle principali organizzazioni professionali e del settore produttivo e industriale. 

Il Congresso si articola in sessioni scientifiche, tavole rotonde, escursioni congressuali e una ricca serie di iniziative aperte al pubblico.

Torino 5 - 9 novembre 2018



Il Forum CompraVerde-BuyGreen, è un evento dedicato a politiche, progetti, beni e servizi di Green Procurement pubblico e privato. Due giornate di Stati Generali degli Acquisti Verdi per discutere le novità legislative, le best practices nazionali e internazionali, le opportunità in materia di acquisti verdi con convegni, workshop, sessioni formative, scambi one to one, spazi espositivi.

Durante la due giorni si è tenuto anche il seminario sull’innovazione nella ristorazione collettiva per l’economia sostenibile che ha visto la partecipazione di numerosi esperti di ambito pubblico e privato.

Alle città italiane serve un rinnovato approccio che rilanci con più forza le priorità della qualità ecologica, della sostenibilità e della resilienza delle città, alla luce dei più recenti sviluppi della green economy – l’economia dello sviluppo sostenibile – e della circular economy – suo pilastro fondamentale – nell’era della crisi climatica. Queste esigenze hanno alimentato, in particolare a livello europeo, analisi ed elaborazioni che hanno portato al “green city approach” e ispirato la stesura delle Linee guida per le green city in Italia: un rinnovato e più incisivo approccio, integrato e multisettoriale al benessere, all’inclusione sociale e allo sviluppo locale durevole delle città, basato sugli aspetti ormai decisivi della elevata qualità ambientale, dell’efficienza e della circolarità delle risorse, della mitiga- zione e dell’adattamento al cambiamento climatico. 

Queste le premesse delle Linee guida per le green city del Green City Network, promosso dalla Fondazione per lo sviluppo sostenibile in collaborazione con la Regione Emilia-Romagna e la Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, che verranno presentate e discusse con rappresentanti delle Regioni e delle città italiane in occasione della 1^ Conferenza Nazionale delle Green City, il 28 settembre 2018, a Bologna dalle 10.00 alle 18.00 in Viale della Fiera, 8 – Terza Torre della Regione Emilia-Romagna. 

La Strategia è stata redatta dal Comitato del Verde Pubblico:

Massimiliano Atelli, Carlo Blasi, Giorgio Boldini, Bruno Cignini, Giulia Cosenza, Vittorio Emiliani, Marco Marchetti, Anna Maria Maggiore, Tullio Pericoli, Antonio Ricciardi, Andrea Sisti, Alessandra Stefani. 

Con il supporto di: MATTM (Bruno Petrucci, Rosaria Pignataro, Daniele Siciliano), ISPRA (Stefano Bataloni, Pietro Bianco, Silvia Brini, Anna Chiesura, Serena D’Ambrogi, Ines Marinosci, Marzia Mirabile, Valerio Silli), MIPAAF (Angela Farina), CONAF (Sabrina Diamanti).

Il 113° Congresso della Società Botanica Italiana quest’anno si terrà nel Campus dell'Università di Salerno, a Fisciano, da mercoledì 12 a sabato 15 settembre 2018.

Relatori, scienziati senior e junior nazionali e internazionali nonché studenti di dottorato e post-dottorato, forniranno una visione generale dei recenti sviluppi e approcci nel loro campo di studi. La lingua ufficiale del Congresso è l'inglese, ad eccezione degli eventi post-congresso (14 e 15 settembre).

Nel pomeriggio di venerdì 14 settembre si terrà una tavola rotonda sul progetto CORIMBO (Coordinamento della Rete Italiana dei Musei Botanici ).

Sabato 15 settembre si svolgerà l'escursione sociale nell'Oasi WWF di Morigerati - Grotte del Bussento nel Parco Nazionale del Cilento, Valle di Diano e Alburni.

Per maggiori informazioni consultare il sito ufficiale del Congresso.

Sala Aranciera, Botanical Garden Museum, L.go Cristina si Svezia, 23, ROMA

La Fondazione per la Flora Italiana insieme a SBI, UZI, SITE, SISEF, SISV e l'Accademia di Scienze Forestali organizzano una tavola rotonda con la Direzione Generale delle Foreste del MIPAAF dedicata alla tutela, alla pianificazione ecologica e alla gestione sostenibile delle nostre risorse forestali. Scopo di questo incontro è promuovere il dibattito tra naturalisti, biologi, forestali ed ecologi per mettere in evidenza il ruolo essenziale delle conoscenze scientifiche nell’attuazione del «Testo unico in materia di foreste e filiere forestali (GU Serie Generale n.92 del 20-04-2018)». 

Firenze, 25 giugno 2018 - Tavola rotonda

Il Portale organizza i dati (tassonomici, nomenclaturali e distributivi) delle piante vascolari native e aliene italiane, derivanti dalle più recenti checklist, con collegamenti a risorse provenienti da altri progetti. 

La pubblicazione della checklist della flora vascolare italiana (Conti et al., 2005) è stata la prima opportunità nella quale i componenti del Gruppo di Lavoro per la Floristica, Sistematica ed Evoluzione della Società Botanica Italiana hanno stabilito un’efficace rete di collaborazioni scientifiche. Nel corso degli anni, questo approccio collaborativo è stato perfezionato e implementato, consentendo di raggiungere importanti obiettivi scientifici riguardanti la flora aliena (Celesti-Grapow et al., 2009, 2010) e quella endemica d’Italia (Peruzzi et al., 2015; Brundu et al., 2017).

La sintesi di Conti et al. (2005) ha stimolato una quantità impressionante di studi floristici e sistematici, tanto che - dopo 13 anni - il tempo era maturo per aggiornare le conoscenze tassonomiche e geografiche relative alla flora vascolare italiana.

Nel 2018 sono state pubblicate due liste distinte: una riguardante la flora vascolare autoctona (comprese le entità criptogeniche o dubitativamente autoctone) (Bartolucci et al., 2018), l’altra i soli taxa alloctoni (archeofite e neofite) (Galasso et al., 2018). 

How to assess the conservation status of semi-natural habitats?

The conservation status assessment is one of the most controversial processes that derive from the Habitats Directive and this strongly hampers monitoring and conservation actions. For a habitat, favourable conservation status should mean that:

•  natural range and areas within that range are stable or increasing;

• the specific structure and functions which are necessary for its long-term maintenance exist and are likely to continue to exist,

• the conservation status of its typical species is favourable.

Find more information here:

Carli E., Giarrizzo E., Burrascano S., Alós M., Del Vico E., Di Marzio P., Facioni L., Giancola C., Mollo B., Paura B., Salerno G., Zavattero L., Blasi C. 2018. Using vegetation dynamics to face the challenge of the conservation status assessment in semi-natural habitats. Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei.

Maggio - Giugno 2018

Conferenza programmatica di presentazione del Piano Nazionale del Verde

Castello Visconteo Sforzesco di Novara, Piazza Martiri della Libertà

10 Maggio 2018, 9:30 - 16:00h

Available for download: Sommario della Strategia Nazionale Verde Urbano

Book "Reconnecting Natural and Cultural Capital"

Paracchini M.L., Zingari P.C., Blasi C. (Eds.). 2017. Reconnecting Natural and Cultural Capital, contributions from science and policy. Joint Research Centre - European Commission. pp. 316. Luxembourg.

This book offers a variety of valuable and inspiring contributions of authors from around the world, in an effort to meeting the challenge of reconnecting natural and cultural capital.

Aprile 2018

Società Italiana di Scienze della Vegetazione organizes 52° Congres & Escursion

Il 52° Congresso della Società Italiana di Scienza della Vegetazione è dedicato ai temi che la società moderna sta vivendo in maniera molto conflittuale: i cambiamenti globali, la perdita di biodiversità, le invasioni di specie aliene, il capitale naturale, la green economy, le infrastrutture verdi e in particolare l’applicazione della fitosociologia alla realizzazione delle foreste urbane, ecc.

Il Congresso sociale, come tradizione, è un’occasione per i soci della SISV per discutere e approfondire le tematiche attuali, un momento di confronto per stabilire rapporti di collaborazioni e, non meno importante, per indirizzare la ricerca scientifica.

5 - 7 Aprile 2018

A book "La flora in Italia" published by Editrice Sapienza

La flora in Italia nasce dalla collaborazione tra il Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare e la Società Botanica Italiana

Questa opera illustra non solo la flora del nostro Paese, ma anche la vegetazione e il paesaggio di cui le piante sono i principali elementi descrittivi. La tutela e la conservazione di questo rilevante patrimonio naturale e culturale è possibile solo se si conoscono i singoli elementi che ne fanno parte, nei molteplici aspetti funzionali, strutturali e dinamici attraverso cui si esprimono. 

La flora d’Italia, con circa 8.000 tra specie ed entità intraspecifiche, è sicuramente una delle più importanti d’Europa. Ancora più elevato è il numero delle comunità di piante che colonizzano i numerosi ambienti del territorio italiano. Il nostro Paese svolge quindi un ruolo fondamentale nel bacino del Mediterraneo, una delle 25 aree di maggiore interesse per la diversità biologica mondiale. Il valore della biodiversità, richiamato in tanti trattati internazionali ed europei, deve essere salvaguardato data la rapidità della perdita di specie cui si assiste a livello planetario. Invertire questo drammatico trend deve essere l’obiettivo principale da perseguire attraverso uno sforzo congiunto e un impegno condiviso in ambito internazionale. 

Da qui nasce l’esigenza di produrre opere di elevata divulgazione scientifica che facciano comprendere l’importanza delle piante per la sopravvivenza dei nostri paesaggi e, più in generale, per garantire la qualità della vita. La conservazione della biodiversità si lega infatti non solo agli aspetti ambientali ma anche alle tradizioni culturali, alla storia delle nostre società e quindi alla gestione anche economica e sociale del nostro Paese. Nell'affermazione di questi principi fondamentali, l’ONU e le altre organizzazioni non governative si sono nel tempo molto impegnate per favorire la consapevolezza planetaria verso i principi della sostenibilità. All’Unione Europea va inoltre riconosciuto il merito di orientare costantemente su tali principi le politiche ambientali dei Paesi che ne fanno parte, in termini concreti attraverso le proprie direttive. Tra queste, la Direttiva Habitat e la Strategia Europea e Nazionale per la Biodiversità hanno dato una svolta ai principi della conservazione attiva con la realizzazione, in particolare, delle Aree protette e della Rete Natura 2000, ritenuta la più grande rete ecologica a livello mondiale.

Il volume è edito da Editrice Sapienza

Novembre 2017