My Story

Growing up in rural Oklahoma, I had the chance to benefit from small class sizes. There was literally only one class for every grade level in my K-8 dependent school. We were not only an education community, we were a family. Attending Banner Elementary (in between Yukon and El Reno) gave me the chance to experience some unique opportunities.

I grew up in a "union" household, as both my dad and my mom were members of their professional organizations. My dad was very active in the Plumber and Pipefitters local and my mom was a member of the Oklahoma Public Employees Association.

I am a graduate of El Reno High School and hold both Bachelor's and Master's degrees in education from the University of Oklahoma.

As a college student, I was unsure what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I literally changed my major from Communications to Political Science to Elementary Education. In 2005, I graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education and immediately enrolled in my graduate program while I completed my student teaching. During that time, I was awarded the Elementary Education Intern of the Year. In 2008, I received my Master's degree in Instructional Leadership and Academic Curriculum with an emphasis in Reading and Social Studies Education.

Growing up in a small town made teaching in Norman, OK an exciting dream. I began my professional teaching career when I was hired to teach third grade at John Adams Elementary School in 2006. After two years in working with third graders, I chose to move to fifth grade where I worked until becoming the full-time release President of my local association.

The work that we do as an Association is my passion. I have served as Association rep, Secretary, Vice-President, Bargaining Chair, Grievance Chair and am now the President of PEN. I truly believe that I am doing the work I was meant to do - based on my college major choices... the best of every world.

Some major things we have achieved locally in PEN include: pay for ALL out of state years recognized by the state of Oklahoma, contract language protecting our educators from threats of harm in the classroom, helping to grow our local mentoring program in Norman, participation in the Norman Public Schools Culture and Climate Task force and the creation of a local organizing movement, called IMPACT NORMAN (Individuals Mending Public Assumptions about Classroom Teachers), where we are currently looking at not only giving back to the education community through our community and business partnerships, but also to strengthen the education community through action. Currently, PEN is working to bring an Employee Assistance Program to Norman Public Schools.

What we do matters. I still have the potential to impact students in the classroom as well as the working environment for our educators in my current role as President as I am deeply committed to the success of every student and educator in our great state.

During the school year if you cannot find me out on site visits working with members or collaborating with educators across our state, you will find me at the Capitol. During the past legislative session, I attended the education committee meetings in both the House and Senate every single Monday. I was there as much as possible having conversations with legislators on education issues. Building relationships with our legislators on both sides of the aisle has shown the greatest impact in our progress legislatively. Finding great pro-education candidates and campaigns and actually working on them is what will make the difference for us as educators.

I have the passion to serve in this role as Vice-President of the Oklahoma Education Association. I have a unique background that provides me with experience in rural, suburban, and urban school districts.

I have recently completed my term on the OEA Board of Directors as the zone leader for SW-B. I want to be your next OEA Vice-President. I hope that I can count on your support.

Please feel free to share any info from this page. And I look forward to working with and representing YOU.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or want to volunteer or contribute to my campaign!