Listening Tour

knowing how our members feel about an issue is of utmost importance within our member driven organization...

In order to know how our members feel - what they believe are our Association's strengths and challenges, as well as what they would like to see - we must ASK!

I want to know what you think!

Schedule a day or evening on the listening tour...

More important than talking is listening... in order to drive our Association in the direction that our members want us to go, we must know what they want/need.

I am happy to schedule a virtual session via Zoom or to pop into a local Association meeting if you are having them in person. Please let me know when is most convenient.

Ready to schedule your date?

CLICK HERE to solidify your date!

Contact cari to learn more...


On Facebook: | On Twitter: @Cari4OEA

I want to hear from you!

Taking Action, Getting Results