As a Communicator...

COMMUNICATIONS & RELATIONSHIPS are the heart an soul of everything we do as an organization. Both are PRIORITIES for Cari. Since becoming a local leader, Cari has helped to develop a STRONG COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAM within PEN which focuses on reaching out to EVERY SINGLE MEMBER at least ONCE PER WEEK during the school year and has started a 1:1 INITIATIVE to personally speak with every district employee.

The DID YOU KNOW? PEN NEWSLETTER highlights a piece of the contract, membership benefits, and upcoming events on the calendar so that local members can SAVE THE DATE. In addition, Cari has worked on external communications by beefing up SOCIAL MEDIA within the local and zone.

Periodically, Cari writes LETTERS TO THE EDITOR on education issues and has initiated a RED FOR PUBLIC ED campaign every Tuesday. Cari has received NUMEROUS AWARDS from the Oklahoma Education Association for her communication initiatives.

Letter to the Editor - Stand Up for Educators (Pensions)

Letter to the Editor - School Board Appreciation

School Board Supports Education Rally

Letter to the Editor - IMPACT

Cari has also been interviewed on KXOU for GRASSROOTS. During her segment, a focus on the EDUCATION CRISIS and how to make a difference for PUBLIC EDUCATION was discussed. Check out the interview HERE.