As a Political Activist...

Cari received the newly renamed GENE ROCHELLE POLITICAL ACTIVIST AWARD at the 2017 OEA Delegate Assembly. As a student of politics, Cari actively engages in the political process by supporting FRIENDS OF PUBLIC EDUCATION in their campaigns for the state legislature. She has VOLUNTEERED for numerous campaigns: WRITING POSTCARDS, PHONE BANKING, and DOOR KNOCKING for both CANDIDATES FOR OFFICE and YES FOR 779!

But immersion in the political process goes beyond the campaign for Cari. EVERY WEEK DURING THE LEGISLATIVE SESSION, you will find her AT THE CAPITOL, reporting on SOCIAL MEDIA about the events from the HOUSE and SENATE EDUCATION COMMITTEES as well as FLOOR PROCEEDINGS. Speaking and BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS with legislators has paid dividends this year when these CONNECTIONS helped Cari to defeat the BILL TO ELIMINATE THE PEN OFFICE.

Discussing the benefit of SQ 779 with voters in Norman.

PEN Members hold signs on election day for the Jacob Rosecrants campaign.