As an Organizer...

After a disappointing election day, Cari had the idea to create a COMMUNITY WIDE ORGANIZING EFFORT called IMPACT (INDIVIDUALS MENDING PUBLIC ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT CLASSROOM TEACHERS). This group of PUBLIC EDUCATION ADVOCATES was convened to SEEK ACTION that will BENEFIT THE STUDENTS AND EDUCATORS in our PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Currently, this group is being trained in COMMUNITY ORGANIZING in order to further the cause and set goals for the UPCOMING LEGISLATIVE SESSION. Most recently, IMPACT co-hosted an ACCOUNTABILITY SESSION FOR HD 46 with other powerful organizations in Norman.

Cari, second from left, sits on an Education Panel discussing the current state of public education in our state.

Cari works closely with her colleagues from across the country to learn more about issues that are affecting ALL educators in our nation.

IMPACT has organized and engaged in LETTER WRITING CAMPAIGNS, MASS PHONE CALL BLITZES, SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS, SCHOOL WALK-INS, and LEGISLATIVE LOBBYING efforts. The group hopes to more directly impact legislation during the upcoming legislative session and SCHOOL YEAR. In addition, IMPACT plans to organize a NORMAN EDUCATION COALITION with other groups interested in furthering the cause of public education.