The Bellringing Group of Montegaldella

In 1928, following their increase in number and the essential period required for their installation, the bells begin once again to ring out loudly. The growing group of Bellringers also continues with its wonderful musical recitals, emerging as the first association. 

Much appreciation is shown for the displays conducted away from the village: the inauguration of new concerts at Cervarese S.ta Croce, Colzè di Montegalda, and Lumignano. Still today, the memory lives on of the musical accompaniment offered by the bells at the procession of Our Lady of Pilgrimage on the 9th 10th 11th of May 1949.

Composed initially and for many years of the Omenetto family, we see the bellringing group in the following decades repeatedly constrained to reorganize itself because of the deaths or emigration of its members.

Inaugurating the bells, Mr. Pio Lotto, sacristan/bellringer of the parish, confident of their favourable disposition, in due course, proposes to the Parish Council the recovery of the full concert ringing of the bells. At Christmas time, benefiting from his position as postman, he is able to contact many people, selecting a conspicuous number of young people and adult to introduce to the activity.

Thus on Saturday 19th January 1980 at 2,30 pm.,is born the Bellringing Group still active today. In the little parish room adjoining the presbytery, Mr. Giuseppe De Facci gives an interesting lecture on the history of the bells, followed by the first ringing. The members Alberto Bozzo and Marco Tosin of St.Marks of Vicenza, together with the local bellringers Domenico Omenetto and Pio Lotto are with him to prepare the way for some serious instruction in the art of bellringing. They are encouraged and largely sustained by the general interest of the community, which continually urges new young people to learn and put them selves at the service of others.

The months pass quickly; the improvement of the Bellringers is noticed with every display of bellringing. The group understands and is well aware of its responsibilities. 

On 26th April 1981 the Group already consolidated, takes part in the nine bell bellringing competition at St.Marks of Vicenza. An initiative which still today lives happily in the memory of all those involved because it marks a coming of age technically and the confirmation of a new dawn in bellringing in the province of Vicenza. Unfortunately this new beginning stats to happen at the same time as the imminent expansion of electronic music concerts. With this in mind at the beginning of the 1980’s a group of enthusiast, warning of the great danger of communities not being able to ring their bells sometimes, takes the initiative to start up an association with the intention of defending the activity of existing bellringing groups, and above all to raise public awareness, before a tradition with such ancient roots becomes lost forever. 

Thus the constitution of the Association of Bellringers of the Verona System is born on the 24th April 1983, immediately encouraged and welcomed by the Ambima. Unfortunately for us, two months earlier, to be precise, on the 10th February in Montegaldella we lose the maestro Pio Lotto. It’s a heavy blow and a serious loss, but at the same time the Bellringing Group is determined to survive.

The teaching received from Pio Lotto up until his death, the shared love of the bells, the friendship set up thanks to them and the belief in the community work that the Group is developing spur the bellringers to keep on with their task and convince the very young Lucio Barbieri to take to take on the responsibility of continuing the valuable work started by Pio Lotto.

 Tutto lascia presupporre un imminente sfascio che, per fortuna, non avviene. L'insegnamento ricevuto da Pio Lotto fino al momento della morte; la passione comune verso le campane; l'amicizia instauratasi grazie loro e la fede nell'opera sociale che il Gruppo sta svolgendo, sprona i campanari a perseverare nel proprio impegno e a decidersi di convincere il giovanissimo Lucio Barbieri ad assumersi l'onere di dare continuità al prezioso lavoro svolto da Pio Lotto.

Si comincia col porre le basi dell'organico recuperando anche qualche veterano come Omenetto Domenico. Si presenta intanto l'opportunità di partecipare alla gara campanaria il 24 aprile del 1983 a S. Marco di Vicenza, vera e propria occasione per una verifica sulla reale possibilità, del Gruppo, di continuare l'opera intrapresa. Il risultato è lusinghiero e grande la voglia di fare, innestata particolarmente sull'arrivo di nuovi campanari che lo rivitalizzano.

It starts with laying the foundations of the Group, reenlisting some veterans such as Domenico Omenetto. The opportunity comes along to take part in the bellringing competition on the 24th April 1983 at St.Marks of Vicenza, a real opportunity to assess the chances of the Group being able to continue the work embarked upon. The result is flattering and the desire to carry on is strong, spurred particularly by the arrival of new bellringers who revitalize the Group. A decade full of initiatives, of growth and of goals achieved with enthusiasm and gratitude. A happy confirmation for the group of bellringers, an official commendation is awarded to them by the Local Authority in Montegaldella on the 27th January 1993, of outstanding social merit. 1991 signs another important stage: the recording of the music cassette which carries the wonderful sound of the bells of Montegaldella.

The first objective is to reach our fellow citizens who have emigrated to various countries amongst which Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, England and Switzerland. The cassettes have met with much interest and gestures of gratitude even from the President of the Republic, Oscar Luigi Scalfaro, from Pape John Paul II, the Bishop of Vicenza Pietro Nonis and senator for life Giulio Andreotti. From 1984 to 2013, the Group joined the Association of Bellringers of the Verona System affiliated to Ambac, the overall body, which especially in Veneto, coordinates the activities of bands, chairs, folklore groups and folk music.

In conclusion, it’s necessary to emphasize that along with the great achievements of this group one must add those of the inauguration of the bells of Lumignano, of Colzè di Montegalda, of Cervarese S.ta Croce, as well as having had a fresco painted in September 1994 on the inside of their own belltower which proved itself to be a fine attraction for lovers of culture let alone those of the art of bellringing. It’s noted moreover that, with the bells of Ghizzole no longer in use after the end of the 1970’s, the Bellringing Group of Montegaldella sought to arrange a repair job in August 1988, even setting up a mobile concert of bells beside the church which was used for an entire week during services.  

The efforts were not in vain, tenacity and willpower rewarded the bell ringers. After meetings and great efforts, in 2012 it was possible to give life to the revival of the concert with the recovery of the existing one, and the addition of three bells and the total recovery of the bell tower.

In recent years we have had the pleasant rediscovery of young people, of girls, women and children, who approach the art of bells with a desire to learn and know the various techniques. Hopefully it will be a good omen for the future.