
26.04.1981 Trophy “ Fioralpino Chiodi ” in S.Marco (VI)  9 bells

14.06.1981 Competition a Trinità di Montecchio Maggiore (VI) 5 bells

25.07.1982 Trophy “ Batocio d’Argento ” in Arsiero  (VI)  6 bells

24.04.1983 Trophy “ Fioralpino Chiodi ” in S.Marco (VI)  9 bells

31.07.1983 Competition in S.Giuliana di Recoaro Terme (VI) 5 bells

11.03.1984 Survey in Caselle di Sommacampagna (VR) 9 bells

25.04.1984 Trophy “ Fioralpino Chiodi ” in S.Marco (VI)  9 bells

09.09.1984 Competition in Altissimo (VI) 9 bells

23.09.1984 Competition in Villafranca Padovana (PD) 6 bells

25.04.1985 Trophy “ Fioralpino Chiodi ” in S.Marco (VI)  9 bells

22.07.1985 Trophy “ Batocio d’Argento ” in Arsiero  (VI)  6 bells

25.04.1986 Trophy “ Fioralpino Chiodi ” in S.Marco (VI)  9 bells

20.07.1986 Trophy “ Batocio d’Argento ” in Arsiero  (VI)  6 bells

25.04.1987 National Gathering of Bell-ringers at Madonna del Frassino (VR)

10.05.1987 2° Meeting Regional Youthful in S.Donà di Piave (VE)

20.06.1987 Surveys in  Villafranca Padovana (PD) 6 bells

26.06.1987 Competition Youthful in Staro of Valli del Pasubio (VI) 5 bells

20.03.1988 Competition Lugo di Grezzana (VR) 6 bells

24.07.1988 Trophy “ Batocio d’Argento ” in Arsiero  (VI)  6 bells

16.07.1989 Bell-ringing Competition in Arsiero (VI) 6 bells

17.09.1989 Survey in Creazzo (VI) 6 bells

26.04.1990 National Gathering of Bell-ringers at Villa d’Adda (BG

29.07.1990 Bell-ringing Competition in Arsiero (VI) 6 bells

01.05.1991 National Gathering of Bell-ringers at Maranello (MO)

21.07.1991 Bell-ringing Competition in Arsiero (VI) 6 bells

18.09.1992 Competition in Villafranca Padovana (PD) 6p. + 6 + 9 bells

27.09.1992 Competition Youthful in Mistrorighi di Chiampo (VI) 6 bells

05.09.1993 Competition in Altissimo (VI) 9 bells

25.04.1994 National Gathering of Bell-ringers at Bassano del Grappa (VI)

22.05.1994 Competition Youthful in Madonna di Lonigo (VI) 6 bells 2° classified

10.07.1994 Trophy “ Zanoni ” in Roverè Veronese  (VR)  9 bells

09.07.1995 Trophy “ Sancassani ” in Sprea  (VR)  5 bells

09.07.1995 Trophy “ Sancassani ” in Bolca  (VR)  6 bells

10.09.1995 Trophy “ Zanoni ” in Altissimo (VI)  9 bells

01.10.1995 Competition Emergent in Tezze di Arzignano  (VI)  6 bells

14.04.1996 Trophy “ Marco Tosin ” in S.Marco  (VI)  9 bells

19.05.1996 Competition Emergent in S.Germano dei Berici  (VI)  6 bells  2° classified

16.06.1996 Competition Youthful in Madonna di Lonigo  (VI)  2° classified

07.07.1996 Trophy “ Sancassani ” in Sprea  (VR)  5 bells

07.07.1996 Trophy “ Sancassani ” in Bolca  (VR)  6 bells

25.08.1996 Competition “ 4ª d’Agosto ” in Costermano  (VR)  6 bells

01.09.1996 Survey in Malavicina  (MN)  9 bells

22.09.1996 Competition in Rampazzo di Camisano Vicentino  (VI)  6 bells

22.09.1996 Competition in Bevadoro  (VI)  6 bells

20.10.1996 Trophy “ Zanoni ” in Sommacampagna  (VR)  9 bells 2° classified

16.02.1997 Competition Emergent in Grezzano di Mozzecane  (VR)  6 bells

13.04.1997 Competition  in Novaglie  (VR)  6 bells

13.04.1997 Competition in S.Maria in Stelle  (VR)  6 bells

13.07.1997 "Bell-ringing Competition in S.Maria in Stelle  (VR)  9 bells 3°a place in composition
27.04.1997 Competition Emergent in Tarmassia  (VR)  6 bells  1° classified

13.07.1997 Trophy “ Sancassani ” in Sprea  (VR)  5 bells

13.07.1997 Trophy “ Sancassani ” in Bolca  (VR)  6 bells

24.08.1997 Competition “ 4ª d’Agosto ” in Costermano  (VR)  6 bells

14.09.1997 Trophy “ Zanoni ” in Torbe di Negrar  (VR)  9 bells 3° classified

28.09.1997 Competition in Malavicina (MN) 9 bells

07.12.1997 50th Anniversary of the Installation of the peal of bell in Villafranca Padovana

18.02.1998 Competition in Grezzano di Mozzecane (VR) 6 bells

12.07.1998 Trophy “ Sancassani ” in Sprea  (VR)  5 bells

12.07.1998 Trophy “ Sancassani ” in Bolca  (VR)  6 bells

23.08.1998 Competition “ 4ª d’Agosto ” in Costermano  (VR)  6 bells

11.10.1998 Competition Emergent in Vago di Lavagno (VR) 6 bells 2°classified

18.10.1998 Trophy “ Zanoni ” in Villafranca Padovana  (PD)  9 campane

14.02.1999 Competition in Grezzano di Mozzecane (VR) 6 bells

25.04.1999 National Gathering of Bell-ringers at Gubbio (PG)

23.05.1999 Competition in S.Martino Buon Albergo (VR) 6 bells

20.06.1999 Competition in Roverè Veronese (VR) 9 bells

11.07.1999 Trophy “ Sancassani ” in Sprea  (VR) 6 bells

11.07.1999 Trophy “ Sancassani ” in Bolca  (VR)  6 bells

25.07.1999 Trophy “ Batocio d’Argento ” in Arsiero  (VI)  6 bells

22.08.1999 Competition “ 4ª d’Agosto ” in Costermano  (VR)  6 bells

12.09.1999 Trophy “ Zanoni ” in Torbe di Negrar (VR) 9 bells  2° classified

17.10.1999 Competition Emergent in Trevenzuolo  (VR)  6 bells

09.07.2000 Trophy “ Batocio d’Argento ” in Arsiero  (VI)  6 bells

27.08.2000 Competition “ 4ª d’Agosto ” in Costermano  (VR)  6 bells

11.06.2000 Survey in Cavazzale (VI)  6 bells

26.08.2001 Competition “ 4ª d’Agosto ” in Costermano  (VR)  6 bells

14.07.2002 Trophy “ Batocio d’Argento ” in Arsiero  (VI)  6 bells

25.08.2002 Competition “ 4ª d’Agosto ” in Costermano  (VR)  6 bells

30.06.2002 Survey in San Pietro Mussolino (VI) 6 bells

18.05.2003 Trophy “ Capanni ” in Trevenzuolo  (VR)  9 bells

06.07.2003 Competition in Altissimo  (VI)  6 bellsGara a Altissimo  (VI)  6 campane

20.07.2003 Trophy “ Batocio d’Argento ” in Arsiero  (VI)  6 bells

22.08.2004 Competition “ 4ª d’Agosto ” in Costermano  (VR)  6 bells

17.05.2005 Trophy “Capanni” in Sant’Andrea di Badia Calavena (VR) 6 bells

08.05.2005 Competition in Lonigo (VI) 9 bells

11.06.2006 Competition Emergent in Lughezzano (VR) 6 bells

25.06.2006 Competition in S. Pietro Mussolino (VI) 9 bells

27.08.2006 Competition “ 4ª d’Agosto ” in Costermano  (VR)  6 bells

01.04.2007 Trophy “Allanconi” in Isola Rizza (VR) 9 bells

20.05.2007 Competition in Vaggimal (VR) 6 bells

24.08.2008 Competition “ 4ª d’Agosto ” in Costermano  (VR)  6 bells

14.09.2008 Trophy “Trabucchi” in Illasi (VR) 6 bells

19.10.2008 Trophy “Brentegani” in S. Giorgio in Salici (VR) 9 bells

22.03.2009 Competition Youth/Emergent in Cisano (VR) 6 bells

14.06.2009 Trophy “Franco Dal Dosso” in Lughezzano (VR) 6 bells

23.08.2009 Competition “ 4ª d’Agosto ” in Costermano  (VR)  6 bells

06.09.2009 2nd Tolling Festival in the city of Arzignano (VI)

18.04.2010 Competition Youth/Emergent in Molino di Altissimo (VI) 6 bells

09.05.2010 Trophy “Franco Dal Dosso” in Lughezzano (VR) 6 bells

22.08.2010 Competition “ 4ª d’Agosto ” in Costermano  (VR)  6 bells

26.09.2010 Competition Youth/Emergent in Centro di Tregnago (VR) 6 bells

24.10.2010 Competition in Povegliano Veronese (VR) 6 bells  2° classified

07.11.2010 Survey in Bevadoro (PD) 6 bells

27.03.2011 Competition Youth/Emergent in Caldierino (VR) 6 bells

29.05.2011 Trophy “Sabaini” in Moruri /VR) 6 bells

03.07.2011 Trophy “Franco Dal Dosso” in Lughezzano (VR) 6 bells

28.08.2011 Competition “ 4ª d’Agosto ” in Costermano (VR) 6 bells 1° classified

25.09.2011 Trophy “Gamberoni” Emergent in Dolcè (VR) 6 bells 1° classified

06.11.2011 "Feast of the three bell towers: Rampazzo di Camisano Vicentino, Bevadoro e  Villafranca Padovana"
21.10.2012 Trophy-Combined “Sabaini” in Sommacampagna (VR) 8/9 bells 2° classified
11.11.2012 Competition in Povegliano Veronese (VR) 6 bells  2° classified

28.04.2013 Trophy “Capanni” in S. Anna d’Alfaedo (VR) 6 bells

06.10.2013 Trophy “Sabaini” in Vestenanova (VR) 9 bells 3°classified

20.10.2013 80th  Anniversary of the bell tower in Cavazzale (VI) 9 bells

13.11.2013 "Survey of the three bell towers: Rampazzo in Camisano Vicentino, Bevadoro and  Villafranca Padovana "
17.11.2013 Competition Youth/Emergent in Pescantina (VR) 6 bells 2°classified

22.11.2015 Restauration of the Bell Tower in Villafranca Padovana (PD)

30.04.2016 Concert Inauguration of 11 bells in Illasi (VR)

26.06.2016 20th Anniversary of the Group Bellringing of Bevadoro (PD) 6 bells

18.07.2017 "20° Anniversary of the Group Bellringing  of Rampazzo of Camisano   Vicentino (VI) 6 bells"
03.09.2023 40th Anniversary of the Veronese System Bell Ringers Association in Maccacari and Sustinenza (VR)