Teaching Methods

How Can Teachers Motivate Students?

Provide opportunities for COMPETENCE

After teaching a new skill or task, teachers should allow students to prove that they have grasped it. Some ways to do that include:

Give students AUTONOMY

When assigning creative projects, give students a choice in their learning!

Find content students can RELATE to

Help students feel a sense of responsibility and belonging within their community.

(Information from class powerpoint: https://sites.google.com/view/calvinproject/project-details)

Classroom Examples


Scenario 1:

A PE teacher is trying to help students grasp a new jump rope trick for Jump Rope for Heart. She is demonstrating the trick and explaining how to do it, but the students are not very interested in trying it. Should she:

a) Ask if any of the students would care to demonstrate the trick along with her

b) Yell at students to pay attention

In option a), the teacher is providing a student a chance to prove to his/her classmates that he/she is able to complete the jump rope trick. This motivates the student to want to do the trick and may motivate the rest of the class as well. This is because all students want to feel competent when learning a new skill!


Scenario 2:

A classroom teacher is trying to teach a lesson on persuasive writing, but students are not motivated to complete the assigned essay about school lunches. The new Spider-Man movie has just come out, and it is all the students can talk about! Should the teacher:

a) ban every mention of Spider-Man and make students write essay in silence

b) allow students to choose what they write their essay about, including the option to write a persuasive essay on why someone should go see Spider-Man

In option b), students are given choice in their assigned schoolwork, and therefore may complete it based on something they are interested in! As long as they are still learning the content (in this case, how to write a persuasive essay), letting students choose aspects of their assignments can be very motivating. 


Scenario 3:

A music teacher is teaching recorder, but the students aren't very interested in anything other than who can make the loudest sound. Should the teacher:

a) Ask students to work on a song the class can play together, rather than on their own

b) No more recorders

In option a), by providing an opportunity for the students to engage in something together rather than separately, the teacher can foster a sense of community, which may make students more motivated to perform well.